Message from @Donald J. Trump

Discord ID: 787226747221180427

2020-12-12 07:52:31 UTC  

He didn’t necessarily get impeached as only the house agreed to impeach him but it never went beyond that in order to be impeach the Senate and the house have to agree to impeach him

2020-12-12 07:52:56 UTC  

that is what is also stalling Whitmer's MI impeachment

im kinda retarded but by the senate and house you mean for each state?

2020-12-12 07:53:18 UTC  

federal house and senate

oh wait i just remembered

2020-12-12 07:53:31 UTC  

God bless president Biden!

2020-12-12 07:53:42 UTC  

I have no idea what the hell is going out with my states supreme court and what the hell my state is doing

i had a little joe biden moment

you in California too?

2020-12-12 07:54:18 UTC  

No I live outside Detroit Michigan

cuz Newsom got no clue what to do other than smoke weed and go to restaurants

dang that place is no better

the mayor of Detroit is retarded ngl

2020-12-12 07:55:07 UTC  

I mean he’s better than the other two we had to basically ruined the city

2020-12-12 07:55:17 UTC  

lots of gov. are crazy

2020-12-12 07:55:52 UTC  

I may not care much for Gretchen Whitmer but I at least can say she follows her own damn Covid rules which other Democrats can’t so I give her that

Newsom is just ignorant and lazy but I agree that the other two are complete nutjobs

2020-12-12 07:57:12 UTC  

a joke haahah

2020-12-12 07:57:24 UTC  

come on man thats a joke right?

2020-12-12 07:57:35 UTC  

Hopefully if Biden is elected he will destroy Detroit enough to finally just demolish the damn city

2020-12-12 07:58:02 UTC  

yikes but that will bring down the other cities worse

2020-12-12 07:58:08 UTC  

it wouldn't work very well

2020-12-12 07:58:27 UTC  

Yeah but our second largest city has a republican metro so I’ll take that

at this point why not just self-destruct the entire NATO

im done with this dystopian bs anyway

2020-12-12 07:59:33 UTC  

I mean I understand a lot of people are wanting to fully move away from democrat areas but I find myself kind of comfy in metro Detroit low crime High wages high property values really safe place and with Detroit voting no on defunding the police I think I’m in an OK area

2020-12-12 08:00:59 UTC  

Well if you don’t know Detroit went through bankruptcy in 2013 and when that happened they defunded the police and a bunch of kids got shot and died and the city did not want to relive through that ever again so they all voted now by like 65% of the city and even the mayor said it was a dumb idea

2020-12-12 08:02:29 UTC  

In conclusion a hard left black majority Democrat city gave the middle finger to the Democrat party and it is such a beautiful thing to see

yet the mayor is still in power

what a miracle lol

2020-12-12 08:03:59 UTC  

Well a lot of people like him because he’s actually not that bad he’s not great but he actually is trying to fix things for once

sounds nice

2020-12-12 08:05:16 UTC  

So his plan is to fix the crime issue by bulldozing low density blighted neighbourhoods which not gonna lie is actually a really good idea. And according to him taxpayers would only have to fork over like 15 $20 where the rest of the moneys going to come from matured bonds the city bought back in the 1940s

2020-12-12 08:05:28 UTC  

wait which one?

2020-12-12 08:05:43 UTC  

Grand Rapids Michigan

2020-12-12 08:06:39 UTC  


2020-12-12 08:06:50 UTC  

I thought you were talking about the US in general

2020-12-12 08:06:57 UTC  

I'm like.. LA? no way lol

2020-12-12 08:07:18 UTC  

The mayor is actually not incompetent and is actually trying to fix things

The only real Republican city in California is San Diego

2020-12-12 08:08:21 UTC  

which is honestly interesting