Message from @Milkgamer55

Discord ID: 790104323790077972

2020-12-20 06:30:09 UTC  

justice has been served fresh lol

2020-12-20 06:30:11 UTC  

God still has mercy because He sent Jesus to take our sins and give us eternal life if we believe

2020-12-20 06:30:22 UTC  

Miniores 2020 šŸ»

2020-12-20 06:30:29 UTC  


2020-12-20 06:30:37 UTC  

No, it doesn't. All he did was ban them and anyone else from ever entering the Garden of Eden again.

2020-12-20 06:30:43 UTC  

Hey, Trump still needs our support!

2020-12-20 06:31:06 UTC  


2020-12-20 06:31:17 UTC  

I hate to say it but Trump lost, im sorry but he cant win in the courts

2020-12-20 06:31:18 UTC  

well. his son failed, too. why wouldn't god just gave up, then?

2020-12-20 06:31:24 UTC  

Trump needs the GOPs support

2020-12-20 06:31:29 UTC  

Those traitors aren't doing anything

2020-12-20 06:31:31 UTC  

He can, but itā€™ll be heck

2020-12-20 06:31:40 UTC  

Im sorry but he cant

2020-12-20 06:31:45 UTC  

This is what Iā€™m on about. You all are such intelectuales. Love the philosophical discussions here in reference to the Bible. Who know a bunch of kids (and adults) on the internet could be discussing such heavy topics

2020-12-20 06:32:01 UTC  

Iā€™ve never heard of this and honestly Newton wasnā€™t a theologian and isnā€™t much of an authority in the matter. The false texts we all know weā€™re inserted were done so by the Catholics and they are called the apocryphal books. They arenā€™t a part of any Protestant Bible.

2020-12-20 06:32:02 UTC  

Itā€™s been done before

2020-12-20 06:32:09 UTC  

In 1802 I think

2020-12-20 06:32:19 UTC  

When did Jesus fail?

2020-12-20 06:32:22 UTC  

We need to stand up as Americans

2020-12-20 06:32:24 UTC  

Republicans have some interesting plans, I am holding my breath until inauguration. This could go either way, as assuming it was all said and done like Clinton did is always a foolish thing to do

2020-12-20 06:32:30 UTC  

its not over

2020-12-20 06:32:33 UTC  

Jesus never failed

2020-12-20 06:32:42 UTC  


2020-12-20 06:32:43 UTC  

My point exactly

2020-12-20 06:32:49 UTC  

And listen even if i dont like Legal Eagles politics but he is an actual lawer and explain how Trump is just not accepting defeat

2020-12-20 06:32:54 UTC  

from my understanding, jesus was sent to atone all our sins. those that finally "gave themselves up to jesus" are the ones going to heaven. that concept doesn't sit right with me (and maybe this is where you religious folks are different from me), is that someone else (ie. jesus) had to be the one bearing my sins for me. it isn't "just"

2020-12-20 06:32:55 UTC  

Trump lost the election

2020-12-20 06:33:04 UTC  

I donā€™t know if he can win the courts tbh

2020-12-20 06:33:08 UTC  

Jesus didn't fail. Jesus did exactly what he needed to do. Jesus knew he would have to die to save us. Jesus is the pure lamb.

2020-12-20 06:33:17 UTC  

I'll be in DC on the 6th and encourage y'all to join as well.

2020-12-20 06:33:29 UTC  

Granted the wages of sin was death and eternal punishment previously, I'd say it's a good deal

2020-12-20 06:33:42 UTC  

they have to work and start having pains, etc. it's in the bible

2020-12-20 06:33:53 UTC  

If you have no way of paying your debt to me, and I offer you a way of paying your debt that isnā€™t just?

2020-12-20 06:33:59 UTC  

That's what I love about Jesus, never failed and Forgives me when I don't deserve it

2020-12-20 06:34:12 UTC  

When Jesus died He took the sins of the world, destroying paradise and setting up heaven, then he preached to the fallen angels in hell, rose again and then went up to heaven

2020-12-20 06:34:18 UTC  

It's technically not just, it's compassionate and merciful

2020-12-20 06:34:30 UTC  

humanity still backstab god. god might need to send another jesus to reset and respread love

2020-12-20 06:34:44 UTC  

Im hoping that we will see Tim Scott win the 2024 election against either AOC or Harris but i dont think that will happen sadly because i would personally like to see another black president especially if they are a Republican but i think that some braindead racial assimilationists wont let that happen

2020-12-20 06:34:46 UTC  

Humanity is lost

2020-12-20 06:35:06 UTC  

God already sent Jesus, there is no ā€œother Jesusā€ He is coming again though. The world will then be ended and that will be it

2020-12-20 06:35:06 UTC  

Sadly yes