Message from @Tervy

Discord ID: 380052738672820225

2017-11-14 17:34:13 UTC  

So the family I stayed with for a couple days in Chengdu invited their like cousins family iver and stuff or whatever so there was a bunch of us. And since I was visiting from America they wanted to treat me to Sichuan chicken. And so we go to this place and because it's China itd a little dirty and there's flies on the wall and stuff. And I'm like whatever cuz just extra protein. So they order for us and get the chicken and what not. And there's just this whole chicken (cooked) sitting under this counter there. No refridgeration or heating just been sitting there all day. And so the guy pulls it out and just chops the whole thing up and dumps it into a bowl and gives it to us and I'm like what. Maybe it's not too bad. So everyone's like oh oh try it and I'm like okay so the first piece I pull out is half of the head with the eyeball hanging out and I'm like well yolo so I try to bite it but I keep just getting bits of skull do I sneak it into the trash next to me and I'm too grossed out to eat anymore so I just ate ducks blood, intestines, and pickled carrots the rest of the meal and it was really awkward

2017-11-14 17:36:36 UTC  

I kinda wish I grew up somewhere else like a lot of you guys are from parts of Europe and you guys eat like normal food there. In America we just eat processed shit and get made fun of if you eat something different. I was eating ducks feet the other day and someone found out and freaked out at me telling me that its wrong and disgusting. I wish I grew up in a society where it's normal to eat different foods

2017-11-14 17:37:02 UTC  

i ate fried pig brain once

2017-11-14 17:37:13 UTC  

literally bacon desu

2017-11-14 17:38:53 UTC  

I ate some different things there like crab ovaries, intestines, chicken feet, and a fee things I'm not sure what they're called.

2017-11-14 17:39:11 UTC  

The only thing I see that I didn't like was pig ear. It was too grissly

2017-11-14 17:39:27 UTC  

When we were in Tibet we had really good rice steamed in corn husk. Very good

2017-11-14 17:40:02 UTC  

i think the weirdest thing i ever ate was those slimy sea things

2017-11-14 17:40:15 UTC  

the french dudes insisted that i ate some

2017-11-14 17:40:28 UTC  

pretty normie tier food

2017-11-14 17:46:21 UTC  

hey can i somehow search a webm by a dead 4chan link in an archive or something?

2017-11-14 17:48:29 UTC  

if lucky with just webm name

2017-11-14 17:48:36 UTC  

or the hashed number name

2017-11-14 17:48:43 UTC  

both might work if the archives are done right

2017-11-14 17:48:48 UTC  

or if you know post number

2017-11-14 17:49:38 UTC  

seems like i've been failing

2017-11-14 17:49:47 UTC  

brb tryharding

2017-11-14 17:49:57 UTC  

I'd be genuinely full because the chinks are always eating and so they'd think I didn't like the food and so they'd try to offer me "American food" like ice cream and coke and milk and stuff. It was kind of embarrassing but at least they tried.

2017-11-14 17:51:09 UTC  

did they force you to drink hot water

2017-11-14 17:53:53 UTC  

mother of holy god macaroni tits

2017-11-14 17:56:04 UTC  

oh man i fucking found it

2017-11-14 17:56:08 UTC  


2017-11-14 17:56:12 UTC  

Yeah but I didn't mind hot water isn't too bad. But that's like all they drank. But they were surprised I would drink so much because I'm from the northern part of the states so we have fairly cool weather here and it was so hot over there in the summer I wasn't used to it so I'd drink cold water when I could. I also drank with meals and they thought that was weird cuz they'd have maybe a shot glass of something but if drink like a regular bottle of soda or something and I'd drink water when I walk around the city sbd they found that weird

2017-11-14 17:56:13 UTC  

thanks anyway

2017-11-14 17:59:51 UTC  

Help help

2017-11-14 18:01:11 UTC  

My IT proff just put up a power point called "Discovering Computers 2010" how do I end my life in a classroom within 5 minutes? Anyone know a good way

2017-11-14 18:01:31 UTC  

go to uni

2017-11-14 18:01:48 UTC  

Maybe the old pencil in the nose and slam my head on the desk?

2017-11-14 18:02:05 UTC  

I can't afford a uni so I'm stuck at a small college

2017-11-14 18:02:14 UTC  

I spent all on chinkshit

2017-11-14 18:02:37 UTC  

ask him about that new i7 970 extreme edition

2017-11-14 18:02:48 UTC  

did he hear about the upcoming sandy bridge?

2017-11-14 18:03:23 UTC  

"living in a digital world". Fffffuuuucccckkkkk

2017-11-14 18:03:42 UTC  

Whoever wrote this is the same person that thinks smartphones is a new invention taking iver our lives

2017-11-14 18:03:47 UTC  

Excuse me. Uh. Too late

2017-11-14 18:04:28 UTC  

tbf in 2010 smartphones were that invention <:thonk:288060975775612929>

2017-11-14 18:04:49 UTC  

Yeah I guess that's true

2017-11-14 18:05:17 UTC  

>Looking at info from 2010

How is this supposed to teach us anything

2017-11-14 18:05:25 UTC  

This is all outdated shit.

2017-11-14 18:05:39 UTC  

it at least teaches you about the importance of college