Message from @Heavy Is Mama

Discord ID: 794834101797650434

2021-01-02 07:42:40 UTC  

So the US treasury attempts to calcuate out how much replacement money they need to make each year

2021-01-02 07:42:42 UTC  

You’re funny if you think the Government is spending money it has. Have you seen how much money the Fed is printing? This is probably one of the few issues I’ve agreed with Ron Paul on recently

2021-01-02 07:42:45 UTC  

At least your state one at fair and square Detroit basically cheated and other cities in our state basically refused to let anybody watch them and our fucking governor and Secretary of State person did not do a single thing to stop any of this shit from happening

2021-01-02 07:43:25 UTC  

Would you read what I wrote? The Government does not *print* money. The government borrows money, which is a different economic process with a different economic impact.

2021-01-02 07:43:39 UTC  

Seriously we live in capitalism for a reason. I know there Democrats that wants to work and what I said was a joke. But yeah I don’t understand why people who don’t like capitalism just move to Cuba or some shit. I’ll make sure to toss a bucket at them and remind them that’s a toilet in Cuba, have fun taking shits

2021-01-02 07:43:54 UTC  

I'm not even sure you know what inflation is beyond the superficial "It's when prices go up"

2021-01-02 07:44:00 UTC  

Which is not inflation

2021-01-02 07:44:15 UTC  

Inflation is "When prices go up *Due to an abundance of currency*"

2021-01-02 07:44:45 UTC  

Naw I don’t think my state won fair and square because my survey results differs from the actual vote

2021-01-02 07:45:25 UTC  

I know a Democrat from Puerto Rico who basically does nothing but bitch about everything in this country and it’s like then why did you come here and he goes to bring more Democrat ideas to the US and we’re like that’s not why you come to this country you come to be make a better life for yourself

2021-01-02 07:45:35 UTC  

“In this case, **the federal government's bank isn’t just creating massive amounts of dollars from scratch. The government also is, in effect, using those newly created dollars to pay down its own debt, this time at an unprecedented scale** because of the economy's massive shutdown triggered by the pandemic.”

2021-01-02 07:46:00 UTC  


2021-01-02 07:46:12 UTC  

In 2020 the government did print some extra money

2021-01-02 07:46:14 UTC  

which was a bad choice

2021-01-02 07:46:21 UTC  

but this is atypical behavior

2021-01-02 07:46:32 UTC  

and not included in our standard 1.2% inflation rate

2021-01-02 07:46:41 UTC  

Wow, really? Almost like exactly what I said. Wonder how that happened 🤷‍♂️

2021-01-02 07:46:42 UTC  

I don't have the inflation rate data for 2020

2021-01-02 07:46:48 UTC  

It's probably higher than usual

2021-01-02 07:46:54 UTC  

but 2020 is a special circumstance

2021-01-02 07:46:57 UTC  

Yeah I don’t understand why people act like they want to help people when in a capitalism government your mostly out for yourselves. First come first serve and that’s the way I like it

2021-01-02 07:47:15 UTC  

Just because it’s special circumstances doesn’t mean it’s not a problem

2021-01-02 07:47:23 UTC  

Hyperfocus on fringe cases that prove your point instead of a greater trend happening over multiple decades

2021-01-02 07:47:30 UTC  

you know, like someone unreasonable

2021-01-02 07:47:46 UTC  

Anyway, you don't want a zero percent inflation rate.

2021-01-02 07:47:46 UTC  

I’ll get some pushback for saying this but if you don’t like it here then go back to where you came from if it was so much better or go somewhere else if you don’t like it

2021-01-02 07:47:57 UTC  

As long as it doesn't continue it's not a problem

2021-01-02 07:48:19 UTC  

A one off spike in the inflation rate is a blip on the scale of macroeconomics

2021-01-02 07:48:53 UTC  

I say that shit too literally everyone who don’t like it and they go all ape shut crazy on me acting like I’m a neonazi terrorist who is planning to blow up some children hospital

2021-01-02 07:49:44 UTC  

Inflation is not exactly a bad thing. As long as it isn't unreasonable, it signifies some degree of financial growth in an economy

2021-01-02 07:49:48 UTC  

As long as you keep it low

2021-01-02 07:49:59 UTC  

Some economists argue 1.2 is too low

2021-01-02 07:50:01 UTC  

I disagree

2021-01-02 07:50:17 UTC  

Yeah some people just can’t take certain things but you know ignore him I’ve had many experiences with idiot liberals just saying some of the most hypocritical or flip-flop ideas like one liberal told me that you know democrat cities are OK when in reality they’re pretty crappy but then tell me that Trump supporters ruin them which is like OK what is it are they good or are they bad 

2021-01-02 07:50:56 UTC  

They plan on printing more next year, but sure, hyperfocus on fringe cases that prove your point instead of a greater trend over the past couple years that will certainly continue in the future

2021-01-02 07:51:18 UTC  

Yes I would agree. If inflation never happened and money stayed the same in an economy then let’s say that little Timmy gets born and gets a job, then little Timmy goes and gets a job. Now that same money is being distributed the same amount but less people are able to get the same amount they had

2021-01-02 07:51:40 UTC  

Idk what any of that means

2021-01-02 07:51:45 UTC  

Well there goes all value to the U.S Dollae

2021-01-02 07:51:50 UTC  


2021-01-02 07:52:17 UTC  

This is a print order because we're in a currency shortage. it's not really new money

2021-01-02 07:52:26 UTC  

In other words if money stayed the same we would all go broke with more people trying to make money and then an economic crash would happen because there isn’t enough money to suit everyone