Message from @Matthew

Discord ID: 383464461941342208

2017-11-24 03:48:27 UTC  

Is it one netflix or youtube.

2017-11-24 03:48:34 UTC  


2017-11-24 03:48:37 UTC  

There was that Sepza video where he talks about his siser and mom getting kidnapped in africa and the times he was robbed or something

2017-11-24 03:48:38 UTC  

>Implying people with >100 IQ would be happy doing no-skill labor

2017-11-24 03:48:52 UTC  

if they lived in a society without gibs they would

2017-11-24 03:48:57 UTC  

>invent robots to do low skill labor

2017-11-24 03:48:58 UTC  

We should just let them go back to hunting and shit

2017-11-24 03:48:58 UTC  

netflix would never ever allow this on their platform lmao

2017-11-24 03:48:59 UTC  

>kill the poor

2017-11-24 03:49:03 UTC  

Mad Max style

2017-11-24 03:49:09 UTC  

>profit off endless education and everyone becoems smarter

2017-11-24 03:49:14 UTC  

>lower population means more stuff to go around

2017-11-24 03:49:36 UTC  

G O Y I M = C A T T L E

2017-11-24 03:49:36 UTC  

Seriously, remove gobbment gibs and enter a recession, society in white places improves 10fold

2017-11-24 03:50:06 UTC  

its easy to bitch when you have a new iphone and a car and money to spend

2017-11-24 03:50:08 UTC  

God this fucking torrent is taking forever

2017-11-24 03:50:20 UTC  

>not being on a private network with gigabit seeders

2017-11-24 03:50:24 UTC  


2017-11-24 03:50:32 UTC  

Yeah yeah

2017-11-24 03:50:42 UTC  

I only have Anime and Porn private trackers

2017-11-24 03:50:52 UTC  

I haven't been in a TV tracker for ages

2017-11-24 03:50:59 UTC  

I'm an autistic poorfag, when i go into centrelink to get tax rebates its 90% obongos with 9 kids

2017-11-24 03:51:05 UTC  

Should we turn afrika into neo-mexico?

2017-11-24 03:51:13 UTC  

We should turn it into glass

2017-11-24 03:51:17 UTC  


2017-11-24 03:51:19 UTC  

revenge for rhodesia

2017-11-24 03:51:21 UTC  

Nigga Afrika is PROTO-Mexico

2017-11-24 03:51:27 UTC  


2017-11-24 03:51:30 UTC  

africa is PROTO-humans

2017-11-24 03:51:37 UTC  

turn africa to glass

2017-11-24 03:51:46 UTC  

set it up to be a future super counry

2017-11-24 03:51:48 UTC  


2017-11-24 03:51:50 UTC  


2017-11-24 03:53:12 UTC  

wuz still more advanced than ABBOS N sheet

2017-11-24 03:53:15 UTC  
2017-11-24 03:53:35 UTC  

atleast we dont live under communism

2017-11-24 03:53:37 UTC  

remember though, all races are the same though

2017-11-24 03:53:53 UTC  

goyim dont get that we are all equal, apart from whites who deserve genocide

2017-11-24 03:54:22 UTC  

>the "its not okay to be white" Article actually happend and wasnt a meme filled joke

2017-11-24 03:55:01 UTC  

im glad im a crook who never got caught, i can get some legal guns, and then get a friend to g et some illegal guns should they try to take away my legal ones

2017-11-24 03:55:22 UTC  
