Message from @i○bas

Discord ID: 383471003604353029

2017-11-24 04:15:39 UTC  

liberals are the worst

2017-11-24 04:15:48 UTC  

one step closer to starting a race war

2017-11-24 04:15:49 UTC  

>being a lefty

2017-11-24 04:15:53 UTC  

>race war

2017-11-24 04:16:01 UTC  

>one side super into guns >the other side super into gay sex

2017-11-24 04:16:02 UTC  


2017-11-24 04:16:05 UTC  

never noticed the sign before

2017-11-24 04:16:12 UTC  

i mean, the left is pretty into guns

2017-11-24 04:16:15 UTC  


2017-11-24 04:16:17 UTC  


2017-11-24 04:16:17 UTC  

not really

2017-11-24 04:16:20 UTC  

i'm just not into the whole self defense machismo thing

2017-11-24 04:16:20 UTC  

Into taking them, maybe

2017-11-24 04:16:24 UTC  

the anarcists are

2017-11-24 04:16:29 UTC  

yes, the left

2017-11-24 04:16:33 UTC  

anarchists arent left wing

2017-11-24 04:16:33 UTC  

as in not centrist liberals

2017-11-24 04:16:42 UTC  

they are literally not part of the political spectrum

2017-11-24 04:16:47 UTC  

anarchists are a ultra small minority

2017-11-24 04:16:51 UTC  

lmao what, i saw them 'training' and it was them wandering around shooting a single shot within 10 minute frame, most of them are picture perfect soyboys

2017-11-24 04:16:58 UTC  

anarcists in general want guns

2017-11-24 04:17:02 UTC  

Kind of weird how no obe knows jack shit about the Las Vegas shooter even like two months after

2017-11-24 04:17:04 UTC  

It's not fucking machismo. It's logical thinking. Why would you NOT want to have a means to defend yourself.

2017-11-24 04:17:06 UTC  

if anything anarchists are ultra right wing

2017-11-24 04:17:07 UTC  

I didnt say they were the only ones

2017-11-24 04:17:12 UTC  

but the only lefties

2017-11-24 04:17:34 UTC  

@Matthew having the means to is good, wanting to do that when there are more effective, less harmful options is dumb though

2017-11-24 04:17:37 UTC  

ancoms are the only lefties that are into guns

2017-11-24 04:17:41 UTC  

is what I am saying

2017-11-24 04:17:44 UTC  

ancoms are like

2017-11-24 04:17:45 UTC  

and ancoms are a meme

2017-11-24 04:17:49 UTC  

most of the us's actual left

2017-11-24 04:17:49 UTC  


2017-11-24 04:17:57 UTC  

Say you're out with a woman or your child, and your hypothetical 5+ nigger squad jumps you. What do you do? Bolt and leave your child/spouse to get killed? Well, at least you didn't have to escalate it to deadly force :^)

2017-11-24 04:18:02 UTC  

@Kaytee this nigga serious?

2017-11-24 04:18:16 UTC  

there's a little bit of socialist presense but even that is ancoms sighing and going "Well, DSA is better than DNC..."

2017-11-24 04:18:32 UTC  

>have trans "friend" whos super commie
>Le capitalism is scam
>russia was hte key to winning ww2
🤔 Mfw stalin would have killed him

2017-11-24 04:18:33 UTC  

Ancoms are 2% of the fringe

2017-11-24 04:18:38 UTC  

Honestly is anyone here agreeing with Kaytee?
or is he just pants on head retarded

2017-11-24 04:18:49 UTC  

he sounds pretty retarded