Message from @stevenn

Discord ID: 796296928039272458

2021-01-06 08:25:07 UTC  

Well here is the big issue I had with a few black friends when we were chilling. They were talking about injustice in the system and how black people do not have any wealth & die everyday. I told them that as a foreigner, my people come to this country not knowing the language, nothing to our names, face prejudice like they do and yet we have lower poverty rates? I told them that Black culture is the biggest detriment to black people. Mainly rap culture which idolizes criminals and drug dealers. On top of that in inner cities if you stand out and put effort into school, your fellow classmates will try and pull you down. Hispanics gave up everything to come to this country, never has another hispanic tried to hate on someone for getting good grades, thats why we came here. And on top of that, the baby mama culture of constantly financially burdening yourself with a child that you cannot afford. I know it sounds harsh through text but it was actually a good conversation

2021-01-06 08:26:50 UTC  

Everything you say was true so I applaud you for that. The problem that no matter how much you try to drill it in their head they will never listen

2021-01-06 08:27:48 UTC  

They agreed with what I said but slowly drifted away. If someone takes accountability and has a good mindset we can be friends but I cannot go along with bullshit.

2021-01-06 08:28:26 UTC  

I use to turn a blind eye to lgbtq and one day I woke up and trans women were beating the shit out of biological women in sports. Never again

2021-01-06 08:28:51 UTC  

Did you know that some liberals are trying to make personal responsibility racist and I’m like oh my god please stop

2021-01-06 08:29:44 UTC  

I think I understand what you are saying but can you explain?

2021-01-06 08:32:40 UTC  

So I saw on Twitter back near Thanksgiving where I saw liberal saying that saying the phrase personal responsibility is racist because often times when we associate certain groups of people for making bad choices we say well there’s a thing called personal responsibility and you are responsible for the actions you made and we are not liable to fund your bad decisions and liberals trying to push that no matter how many bad choices you made you deserve for others to pay for your mistakes

2021-01-06 08:33:12 UTC  

I’m sorry if that’s a terrible explanation

2021-01-06 08:34:11 UTC  

theyre personally responsible for racism <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-06 08:34:13 UTC  

Well I just hope the liberals keep making fools of themselves. We need more “amen and a-women” type of things for some people to finally wake up

2021-01-06 08:35:10 UTC  
2021-01-06 08:35:15 UTC  

I’m not a religious person but when they said that I immediately went that word is a translation from Latin. It’s the same history

2021-01-06 08:35:26 UTC  

This is kinda the direction America is heading

2021-01-06 08:35:36 UTC  

Oh yeah. It’s scary

2021-01-06 08:36:10 UTC  

Don’t tell them that because they will tell you that you’re racist for saying that to them

2021-01-06 08:36:35 UTC  


2021-01-06 08:36:59 UTC  

guess im suddenly personally responsible for their feelings

2021-01-06 08:38:44 UTC  

Like I get a lot of crap for living in Detroit because I am part of the 7% of white people who still live there and people just go why do you live there and I go because it’s my home city and you know I live in the nicer part and they go out well you just live there just escape all the other black people and it’s like I live there to escape the crime and they’ll just attack and attack because god for bid if I call a black neighbourhood run down when it is that’s racist or I’ll have a democrat tell me Detroit is a really nice city you’re just over exaggerating it when I drive near really poor neighborhoods. It’s so infuriating

2021-01-06 08:38:57 UTC  

Yes. There you go

2021-01-06 08:39:36 UTC  

how is living in detroit

2021-01-06 08:39:42 UTC  

cause we only hear outside views

2021-01-06 08:41:25 UTC  


2021-01-06 08:41:45 UTC  

Wait till people find out that the corona strand was in the United States in 2019 😎 way before the outbreak

2021-01-06 08:42:57 UTC  

Oof, only *7%* of Detroit is white???

2021-01-06 08:43:42 UTC  

detroit itself or the msa?

2021-01-06 08:44:08 UTC  

Detroit is what happens when it does reverse-Japan

2021-01-06 08:44:11 UTC  

Wait till they find out the E-cig illness has the same exact symptoms as rona

2021-01-06 08:44:14 UTC  

Downtown in Midtown are very nice but a lot of neighbourhoods are really scary and I would really recommend people to be extra cautious when coming here because as a native it can get very violent and it can get very dangerous if you are not careful where you go or what you do

2021-01-06 08:44:24 UTC  


2021-01-06 08:44:29 UTC  

Well it’s 88% black so there’s your answer for you

2021-01-06 08:44:30 UTC  

Eyo homie

2021-01-06 08:44:35 UTC  

I need the source on this one

2021-01-06 08:44:35 UTC  

cant imagine george floyd riots 😔

2021-01-06 08:44:46 UTC  

*88% crime <:troll_face:726878856585281557>

2021-01-06 08:45:04 UTC  

ay cmon now

2021-01-06 08:45:20 UTC  

When more white people die by the hands of African Americans then African Americans by the hands of white peoples

2021-01-06 08:45:21 UTC  

Surprisingly Detroit did not have any riots downtown due to the fact that the city really pushed people to not destroy anything because it’s the only asset worth saving any more in the city

2021-01-06 08:45:21 UTC  

may as well be spoonfeeding lefties

2021-01-06 08:45:37 UTC  


2021-01-06 08:45:43 UTC  

I mean I wouldn’t say it’s that bad but it’s bad

2021-01-06 08:45:48 UTC  

Lefties? Gayyy.