Message from @Mcgoober

Discord ID: 796455357622124565

2021-01-06 19:08:00 UTC  

We can agree on leaving the shithole that is the middle east alone lol

2021-01-06 19:08:14 UTC  


2021-01-06 19:08:15 UTC  

Donald Trump is failing to combat the ccp

2021-01-06 19:08:16 UTC  

Under Biden all the drones will just have "BLM 🖤 LGBT!" on them.

2021-01-06 19:08:19 UTC  

Hello it's me the gop time to die in some desert hellhole for no reason

2021-01-06 19:08:25 UTC  

can you guys chill out with the links please?

2021-01-06 19:08:26 UTC  

Have fun

2021-01-06 19:08:28 UTC  

someone plz help

2021-01-06 19:08:28 UTC  

Try an actual source

2021-01-06 19:08:35 UTC  


2021-01-06 19:08:36 UTC  

And biden kissing their asses is better?

2021-01-06 19:08:37 UTC  

Help with what?

2021-01-06 19:08:48 UTC  

A conservative can’t want the USA to become 50 different countries

2021-01-06 19:08:48 UTC  
2021-01-06 19:08:53 UTC  

heres another

2021-01-06 19:08:54 UTC  

froski please help

2021-01-06 19:09:07 UTC  
2021-01-06 19:09:08 UTC  

heres another

2021-01-06 19:09:09 UTC  

.warn @Count Do not share random links here.

2021-01-06 19:09:10 UTC  

2021-01-06 19:09:14 UTC  

Yes i can lol @MasterChief

2021-01-06 19:09:20 UTC  

Civilian Casualties like all those from slamming an areoplane into a skyscraper?

2021-01-06 19:09:23 UTC  

yea 👀 cops are losing support left and right

2021-01-06 19:09:28 UTC  

There's a specific channel for links

2021-01-06 19:09:31 UTC  


2021-01-06 19:09:35 UTC  

the links

2021-01-06 19:09:37 UTC  

9/11 was in retalliation to us interference in the middle east

2021-01-06 19:09:37 UTC  

so many

2021-01-06 19:09:39 UTC  

Democrats can, yes

2021-01-06 19:09:46 UTC  

@bluepilled So what there weren't any wars under him

2021-01-06 19:09:47 UTC  

but why are you pivoting

2021-01-06 19:09:49 UTC  


2021-01-06 19:09:51 UTC  

Yo you want to US Capitol right now

2021-01-06 19:09:55 UTC  


2021-01-06 19:09:55 UTC  

Check this out

2021-01-06 19:09:56 UTC  

Because they hate our country

2021-01-06 19:09:58 UTC  

about 4000 at once

2021-01-06 19:09:59 UTC  

@bluepilled stop spamming links.

2021-01-06 19:09:59 UTC  

So massacreing thousands is justified when someone does it to us first?

2021-01-06 19:10:04 UTC  

I'm literally not a democrat at all idk what ur talking about

2021-01-06 19:10:04 UTC  

@MasterChief Chill it.