Message from @Gene.

Discord ID: 796596073648095234

2021-01-07 04:26:05 UTC  

Why is everything about race or sexual identity now?

2021-01-07 04:26:13 UTC  

I literally don’t care if you’re black or white or Asian, it’s what you believe in that matters, and actions.

2021-01-07 04:26:17 UTC  

Yeah because they don’t know how to survive in a meritocracy and expect stuff to be given to them (I’m talking about the SJWs)

2021-01-07 04:26:18 UTC  

frankfurt school of cultural marxism

2021-01-07 04:26:24 UTC  


2021-01-07 04:26:30 UTC  

Racism will never cease if people keep talking about race. I don't think the left understands that

2021-01-07 04:26:30 UTC  

You are purposely misunderstanding me. Check your facts my guy. Blacks looted, but only a very small number. Looting happened by a bunch of white liberals who wanted to feel powerful. Then others seized the opportunity to do more damage. Eventually it is so messy that now the only clear things are that it was a bad series of riots, and people died, and BLM is the big name connected to it. The movement is good. Civil rights are a great cause. Black people need equality. As do all other races. But this organization that calls itself BLM is a disgrace to everything civil rights is about. It is a disgrace to black people even. That is one reason why so many are distancing themselves from it.

2021-01-07 04:27:13 UTC  

alot of africans participated in acts of violence

2021-01-07 04:27:14 UTC  

You know one show that always points out about social injustice?

2021-01-07 04:27:34 UTC  


2021-01-07 04:27:35 UTC  

If anything non whites have it better in this days age

2021-01-07 04:27:36 UTC  

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. he made a big deal about how Confederate statues were made in the 1960s as a threat to the African Americans

2021-01-07 04:27:39 UTC  

I think the point is that the skin color of the looters don’t actually matter as much as the fact that they’re shitty people.

2021-01-07 04:28:00 UTC  

I graduated from the public school system back in 2019 and this one teacher and I collided heads. He once said to the class he wished a magnet would take all the guns in the world away and I told him they would just make more.

2021-01-07 04:28:03 UTC  

@Kouang Tcheo Wan isn't that the second time that you uploaded that

2021-01-07 04:28:05 UTC  

Like I've stated, equality is a fine premise. But there were a lot of African American looters. Especially in California. I can testify this.

2021-01-07 04:28:07 UTC  

That's what I was attempting to get at. Yes. I should have said that too.

2021-01-07 04:28:10 UTC  

11 hours and 40 minutes left in twitter jail

2021-01-07 04:28:15 UTC  

yes but he still doesnt get it

2021-01-07 04:28:22 UTC  

You’re wrong about blm though.

2021-01-07 04:28:23 UTC  

I think you're just not listening to him

2021-01-07 04:28:25 UTC  

yep this is true

2021-01-07 04:28:26 UTC  

It’s a shitty organization.

2021-01-07 04:28:31 UTC  

The public achool system last time I remember in Illinois is brain washing the masses.

2021-01-07 04:28:37 UTC  


2021-01-07 04:28:39 UTC  

what they teach

2021-01-07 04:28:40 UTC  

I cannot support the organization and its current state, if he wants to talk about the start of the organization I'm perfectly fine with that

2021-01-07 04:28:49 UTC  

public school r shit

2021-01-07 04:29:00 UTC  

Im still in the California public school system

2021-01-07 04:29:03 UTC  

Of course. Have you ever been to a black neighborhood? The culture in those places is not normal to the rest of the US. It is unfortunate but it is there, and it is an issue no one wants to talk about.

2021-01-07 04:29:09 UTC  

Equality of opportunity is great. Equality of outcome is not.

2021-01-07 04:29:10 UTC  

BLM probably started off with a good message then spiraled into riots and looting. The road to hell is paved on good intentions

2021-01-07 04:29:11 UTC  

in canada private school aint better

2021-01-07 04:29:17 UTC  

sounds rough panzarkid

2021-01-07 04:29:19 UTC  

In my one class, we kept talking about family relationships and the importance of relationships, it was nothing more than soft feminism

2021-01-07 04:29:26 UTC  

i see private schooled brainwashed kids chant BLM and tranny shit

2021-01-07 04:29:35 UTC  

fuk them

2021-01-07 04:29:37 UTC  

I mentioned ealier when a teacher and I clashed heads about gun control and of how us students need to be involved more politcally.

2021-01-07 04:29:38 UTC  

And Not only was the class accepting about lgbtq and everything, they were shoving it down our throats

2021-01-07 04:29:39 UTC  

There thinking about starting a new class everybody has to take about blm or some crap

2021-01-07 04:29:54 UTC  

Damn my friend is calling the capitol thing a riot and she’s calling me racist because I don’t support the #BLM movement