Message from @paul mason
Discord ID: 796602255822159912
Cause European nations r lucky they're much more homogenous nations unlike US
Yeah there were Anime raiders today
Or maybe the Free Economic States of New America.
stupid cunts
dude. cool it
I hate to say it but I see no decent reason to preserve the union anymore. We're just tearing each other apart and its really sad
Has a to it ring I like it
Secession time when
i waz speaking 2 poverty
That doesn't change the fact that we're the laughing stock of the world. And will continue to be for an undetermined period of time.
What should the flag for free American states be
alright 👀
Thin blue line trump
It should be transparent
@paul mason abouth the raiders?
East, it should just be the texas flag
Bruh try stepping outside the US. most countries r shitholes
We send them to the gulag
Morgan’s raiders
You should clarify that@paul mason
US even now isn't as bad as most third world nations
My family is Morgan’s raiders
I've stepped outside the US plenty of times. I've been to some nice places, especially in the Caribbean. Don't even get me started on how we're handling the virus over here.
One of the antifa raiders had a dishonor mark of the outsider tattoo!!!
What a nerd.
Btw first game great second game not so much
Morgans rifle core?
Give the ‘United’ states of America to the democrats and let’s have Free States Of America
Morgan’s raiders I’m related to one of them
Proud Boys should be incorporated into police departments
Don't get me started with some places near Chicago or even in the city.
Does anyone feel like Pence was paid?
Take all red states with us
@Poverty where are you from ?
Actually the entire state of IL is heading 3rd world status.