Message from @Suspected Kyle

Discord ID: 796908895875760178

2021-01-08 01:08:08 UTC  

hi guys

2021-01-08 01:08:33 UTC  

so you're saying their leader was corn pop? bc he was a bad dude according to biden

2021-01-08 01:08:55 UTC  

He liked to play basketball

2021-01-08 01:09:04 UTC  

no worse... lol

2021-01-08 01:09:04 UTC  

I can't wait for our economy to get so worse in the next 4 years that the coronavirus will be the least of our problems

2021-01-08 01:09:05 UTC  

Hello. 🙂

2021-01-08 01:09:05 UTC  

Biden proves you don't have to campaign to win elections... just buy the right voting machines

2021-01-08 01:09:24 UTC  

and, he proves politicians could be honest

2021-01-08 01:09:32 UTC  


2021-01-08 01:09:36 UTC  

honestly retarded

2021-01-08 01:09:47 UTC  

ooo sick burn

2021-01-08 01:09:51 UTC  

he wasn't kidding when he said he doesn't need people to vote for him *shrugs*

2021-01-08 01:10:13 UTC  

he said they could vote for trump and it wouldn't matter.. he will get their votes anyways

2021-01-08 01:10:20 UTC  

lol yep... and the whole well find enough votes gaff

2021-01-08 01:10:27 UTC  

biggest, most complex voter fraud organization

2021-01-08 01:10:45 UTC  

I think it's time to enact the 2nd amendment before they try to take that one

2021-01-08 01:10:46 UTC  

Although guys, don’t forget about all the new white people because they voted for trump

2021-01-08 01:10:50 UTC  

It's ok they just have to fight off more than half the entire country now.

2021-01-08 01:11:11 UTC  

Get it? Heh

2021-01-08 01:11:23 UTC  

ok someone tell me this osshoff guy isn't a pedofile... this guy is the creepiest person after biden and nadler i've ever seen in office.

2021-01-08 01:11:26 UTC  

no... they didn't even try to cover their tracks it was so obvious

2021-01-08 01:11:43 UTC  

send... its on topic

2021-01-08 01:11:53 UTC  

the saddest thing is people dismissing these claims as "gaffes" and look no further

2021-01-08 01:11:59 UTC  

I’m disappointed in politics

2021-01-08 01:12:11 UTC  

Mainly liberals

2021-01-08 01:12:13 UTC  

But but but theres no sign of "widespread" voter fraud... so you're saying theres voter fraud just not enough for you to give a damn...... exactly!

2021-01-08 01:12:15 UTC  

Anyone know why it won’t let me send any memes in <#707963490526298112> ? Or can someone tell me if they are sending I don’t see it?

2021-01-08 01:12:19 UTC  

But a bit of right

2021-01-08 01:12:19 UTC  

don't be. it is not meant to be a happy place

2021-01-08 01:12:34 UTC  

no, everything should be alright 👀

2021-01-08 01:12:46 UTC  

are you on laptop or phone?

2021-01-08 01:12:52 UTC  

have you guys seen that Iraq and Iran have issued "arrest warrants" for Trump? The president who tried to take USA out of middle eastern wars...

2021-01-08 01:12:54 UTC  

are you sending the memes in batches?

2021-01-08 01:12:55 UTC  

The fact they're saying theres no sign of "widespread" voter fraud is them admitting to fraud in the same sentence.

2021-01-08 01:12:58 UTC  

Phone @isoboto

2021-01-08 01:13:03 UTC  

Single meme

2021-01-08 01:13:06 UTC  

I’m disappointed in everyone who could’ve done something and didn’t *cough* *cough* pence

2021-01-08 01:13:16 UTC  

weird. reboot discord and try again

2021-01-08 01:13:19 UTC  

honestly I don't care about politics unless it's about social issues

2021-01-08 01:13:25 UTC  

like blm, gender etc

2021-01-08 01:13:27 UTC  

Done that twice