Message from @RumpleForeskinPatriarchyOverlord
Discord ID: 755110387610812647
@NightBear should be in zeducation description for any videos
I'll send it
it's in <#720090117733351485>
I had a debate in a liberal server they said very stupid things and I said trump2020 and I got banned
I was about to send a creepy uncle joe video before I was banned
Libtards have 0 iq
nah they just have an extra chromosone
> nah they just have an extra chromosone
@RumpleForeskinPatriarchyOverlord lmao
Trump deserves the Nobel peace prize
Unlike Barry Obama
yet there's a petition to take off the nobel peace prize lol
Just because of Donald duck
Let's name all of trump's accomplishments
Kept the same haircut for 30 years straight
He brought troops home from afghanistan and iraq
I've seen people waving flags like that but with a red stripe that turns blue
That would solve a lot of problems in society^
yeah if you want a society to look like
anything near africa
When you imprison these people for so long for petty crimes, you get more enraged criminals, leading to higher recidivism rates
you're right
lets just deport all criminals
As evidenced by america's very low recidivism rates😆
> lets just deport all criminals
@Hank The The I'm on board with that
Only white people are racist!
Only black people are racist!