Message from @Mauler

Discord ID: 755852905466167357

2020-09-16 18:08:09 UTC  

> @mathgrant is best Zeducated 🙂
@SnowWhite❄ I’m not the best Zeducated at Tetris, though.

2020-09-16 18:08:10 UTC  

> @AMERICANFREEDOM [CEO OF FREEDOM] you missed many opportunities earlier today to age ban
@Split_beard (PS4) yup he did... shame really

2020-09-16 18:08:13 UTC  

Notify us next time

2020-09-16 18:08:20 UTC  


2020-09-16 18:08:32 UTC  

we coulda popped em

2020-09-16 18:08:46 UTC  

@DarkSkyKEC is the best Zeducated at Tetris.

2020-09-16 18:08:47 UTC  

trump declares you're banned

2020-09-16 18:08:49 UTC  

I @ 'd him but he didn't come to my rescue 😭

2020-09-16 18:08:57 UTC  

I am good at Tetris. I can fit my piece in any hole

2020-09-16 18:09:06 UTC  

@kick are you dead

2020-09-16 18:09:09 UTC  

> I am good at Tetris. I can fit my piece in any hole
@Knotty oh... my.... god.....

2020-09-16 18:09:14 UTC  


2020-09-16 18:09:14 UTC  


2020-09-16 18:09:22 UTC  

Trump “You’re fired” it’s now “You’re banned”

2020-09-16 18:09:23 UTC  

I will stop lol

2020-09-16 18:09:24 UTC  

Most people corrected their age right after saying it though

2020-09-16 18:09:27 UTC  

knotty being naughty what a suprise

2020-09-16 18:09:31 UTC  

: D

2020-09-16 18:09:32 UTC  

@Knotty *furry fandom intensifies*

2020-09-16 18:09:32 UTC  

anyways back to afk 🙂

2020-09-16 18:09:35 UTC  


2020-09-16 18:09:59 UTC  

lol my lord....

2020-09-16 18:10:02 UTC  

I wonder if tyler looks down us his Kingdom and think "why"

2020-09-16 18:10:05 UTC  

“Trump declares to ban Weeaboos, more news at 9 pm at CNN”

2020-09-16 18:10:08 UTC  

You better watch out

2020-09-16 18:10:18 UTC  

> “Trump declares to ban Weeaboos, more news at 9 pm at CNN”
@Max4Z I already did that

2020-09-16 18:10:24 UTC  

his name is knotty in discord... but his character names are Naughty-_____ in game

2020-09-16 18:10:34 UTC  

I mean in the US not server

2020-09-16 18:10:38 UTC  

he has Naughtybear :/

2020-09-16 18:10:45 UTC  

> I wonder if tyler looks down us his Kingdom and think "why"
I'm sure he's very disappointed but so are my parents lol

2020-09-16 18:10:48 UTC  

I misread

2020-09-16 18:10:50 UTC  

Like just exterminate all em weebs in us

2020-09-16 18:11:04 UTC  

yes not kingsum

2020-09-16 18:11:05 UTC  

I thought you said he was questioning kingsum’s name

2020-09-16 18:11:06 UTC  


2020-09-16 18:11:13 UTC  


2020-09-16 18:11:15 UTC  

your good

2020-09-16 18:11:35 UTC  

Zed definetly looks a the server and wonder, was this a mistake............ No only weeb chat was

2020-09-16 18:11:36 UTC  

i mean, I read you name as Tyranny like the government, and Jai I read as Jail