Message from @Windatica
Discord ID: 385195474745032704
```sudo-nopassword() {
su root -c "$1"
Linux can't do this
super comfy
into the bashrc it goes
Heh, guess what bud, odds are, you got the bug
I just checked on my work mac
script above works
I added it to my bashrc
now I can `sudo-nopassword "command"`
Talking about irl bug
time to pwn all the computers at my local elementary school
am i only one whos youtube works with ff
stop using faggots
just werks
If everyone were to do things for your convenience we would say fucking traps is not gay.
What VPNs do you guys use? need to torrent a bunch of shit for a cross country car ride.
Why consume media when you could get to know people during the ride :))
>the state of foxlets
only if you want to yiff in a cell for the rest of your life
why would you even want to use material design youtube
are you brainlet
less material design the better
This is what happens when advertisers control you.
Trendy faggots who run the marketing firms now are in charge of UI
>not running material design Youtube on material design themed Firefox on Papyros
yes so why would you want to use material design?
because some retard with a graphics design degree decided it is the look of the future. the future is bloated shit,
also fucking traps is not gay sorry that you are low test soyboy
fucking traps is not gay
>custom suit in 23 days
I'm going to guess it's a bit longer than that but think I'll link it to my brother, guy has been wearing the same suits since highschool, I think.
@porco it's super gay
it is not
if the benis is feminine it's not gay
even more reasons not to like him