Message from @makki
Discord ID: 756726768685285428
Unlike Tulsi Gabbard
CNN projects Alabama will go to Joe Biden and it's 9 electoral votes.
lol 9
9 electoral votes
Does any **trustworthy** news network project that though?
CNN projected Pennsylvania way too late.
We are going to have a sequel to those "Donald Trump Can't Win" videos.
Yeah, I've seen way too many of those.
me either
Now that Joe Biden won't concede, we could be looking at projection announcements of all the states.
Its cute when Bernie Sanders tries to lead after he submitted to the will of the DNC rather than the voice of the people
Sorry liberals and commies you can't "fix" merica guess you'll just have to leave🥺
This is lovely!
Ok I've work the picture its starting to look better
Whenever Trump is low in the polls, just double his number. That's the reality.
To sniff?
(This is not my actual prediction.)
Makes me wish New York and California didn't exist.
CA is terrible
We need new states.
i hate CA
New RED states.
Weird saying that because I live in New York but still.
i cry
I think whomever takes 2 of 3 with Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin will win the White House
make jefferson a state
I can give you hair joe
Same but I live in CA.
Jefferson county?
or is it a meme thing