Message from @supremehype

Discord ID: 758310615252598785

2020-09-23 12:27:05 UTC  

he’s older than me and a bitch

2020-09-23 12:27:14 UTC  

he’s like 5 years older

2020-09-23 12:27:45 UTC  

i said sorry bc i said some shit really rough and he said “a bitch would apologize”

2020-09-23 12:27:50 UTC  


2020-09-23 12:28:57 UTC  

Eh...let's cool it a bit on the swearing. That being said, I don't think just "bitches" would apologize, but if you were mutually roasting each other, I'm not sure why you'd need to apologize, unless you crossed some lines.

2020-09-23 12:29:10 UTC  


2020-09-23 12:29:11 UTC  

we did

2020-09-23 12:29:12 UTC  


2020-09-23 12:29:22 UTC  

just a little bit

2020-09-23 12:30:06 UTC  

Well, don't know what to say there.

2020-09-23 12:31:30 UTC  

me niether

2020-09-23 12:32:00 UTC  

he’s a country farmer boy and i’m a city boy and he thinks he’s a lot tougher

2020-09-23 12:33:18 UTC  

I mean, from my experience, country farmer generally involves more manual labor.

2020-09-23 12:33:58 UTC  

he’s not country he’s “country” he try’s to act like he is in the country and acts like he is a farmer

2020-09-23 12:34:28 UTC  

Ah...I don't know then.

2020-09-23 12:48:43 UTC  


2020-09-23 12:48:49 UTC  

if he comes over just pull castle law

2020-09-23 12:49:18 UTC  

I pulled an all nighter and now I just poured 5 packs of instant coffee into 2 cups of water

2020-09-23 12:49:25 UTC  

Maybe I'll have heart palp. Maybe not

2020-09-23 12:55:26 UTC  

Eh...depends on the amount of caffeine. Generally, heart issues and caffeine don't start until 400 mg.

2020-09-23 12:55:39 UTC  

haha i’ll shoot out his tires as he drives up the driveway

2020-09-23 12:56:32 UTC  

i wish we had the law like texas if someone comes on your lawn you could shoot them

2020-09-23 12:57:01 UTC  

No...that's not how the caste doctrine works....start digging the moat.

But seriously, the castle doctrine generally means you have to be under some form of immediate danger or threat, and you can only use force that is equivalent to the level of danger.

2020-09-23 12:57:36 UTC  

so if someone is coming to my house 5 years older than me i could

2020-09-23 12:59:27 UTC  

I mean...I'd look into your specific state law. I cannot speak to it, but some states do not have the caste doctrine. Some states have a modified doctrine.

2020-09-23 13:01:43 UTC  

Good morning people

2020-09-23 13:02:00 UTC  

Morning Lucario.

2020-09-23 13:03:11 UTC  

Its going to be a long day

2020-09-23 13:04:57 UTC  

How do you figure?

2020-09-23 13:07:27 UTC  

Well i just beat Call of Duty Balck Ops 2. One key thing that ticked me off in it was how deep the Mercs and Terrorsist's were inside the US military command structure and its got me thinkin, do we really know how far deep shit like Antifa is in our own military?

2020-09-23 13:08:09 UTC  

There is 50mg each pack. So i'

2020-09-23 13:08:13 UTC  

i'm at 250mg

2020-09-23 13:08:15 UTC  


2020-09-23 13:09:06 UTC  

I don't think Antifa is in our own military. Most of them disagree with the military, so joining it would be counter-intuitive. That being said, I don't think they could get through basic training based on the "training" videos I've seen.

2020-09-23 13:11:11 UTC  

Antifa thinks the government (military included) is facism. So Doubt

2020-09-23 13:11:15 UTC  

Well thats the thing, what if what we see of Antifa is really nothing more than a front for the real Antifa? Besides Antifa isnt anti-authority, it wants to be the authority so the first places they would try to infect would be the Military

2020-09-23 13:11:34 UTC  

now gangs getting military training during the mid 2000s and coming back home after discharge on the other hand...

2020-09-23 13:11:49 UTC  

Cause mid 2000s they were pretty much accepting most people

2020-09-23 13:13:37 UTC  

Besides yall remember when it was found out that part of the Army tried pushing critical race theory?

2020-09-23 13:18:05 UTC  

they are in our military, and far deeper than we could ever imagine

2020-09-23 13:29:45 UTC  

Good afternoon all 🙂