Message from @DishonoredRonin

Discord ID: 759359249032937472

I feel like it just makes it harder on yourself

2020-09-26 10:18:24 UTC  

I don't. I have a freakton of farm cats here on my property.

2020-09-26 10:18:25 UTC  


Do you have a gun

2020-09-26 10:18:52 UTC  

I feel bad for otherwise fine animals that would die if left to fend for themselves.

2020-09-26 10:19:17 UTC  

No gun.

2020-09-26 10:19:53 UTC  

Look, these guys would make excellent housecats, but people in this area mistreat and kill animals.

Then kill the people

Problem solved yes?

2020-09-26 10:20:14 UTC  

Tempting. VERY tempting.

Just do it one at a time

Eventually they will disappear and you can live in peace

Except for the snoring

2020-09-26 10:21:01 UTC  

Nah, the rednecks and Indians breed like rabbits.

Rednecks and Indians at one place

2020-09-26 10:21:26 UTC  

Mixed reservation.

That is very odd mixture

2020-09-26 10:22:33 UTC  

There were seven reservations, and land set aside for the Tribe in another section that had whites living there.

2020-09-26 10:23:25 UTC  

The seven tribes got fed up with their worst drunks, molesters, and brawlers, and forcibly moved them here about 70 years ago, forming the eighth reservation.

Oh so you live with the descendants of the drunks and molesters


2020-09-26 10:24:34 UTC  


2020-09-26 10:25:32 UTC  

Not joking. I've seen pregnant thirteen-year-olds on this reservation.

What the fuck

2020-09-26 10:26:38 UTC  

There was a guy about a decade or so back that died because he passed out drunk in the winter, and the snow suffocated him.


Poor bastard

What a way to die

2020-09-26 10:27:28 UTC  

Worse when you realize that through government funding, everyone in the Tribe has housing.

2020-09-26 10:27:44 UTC  

There are *no* homeless people here locally.

2020-09-26 10:28:22 UTC  

Anyone living on the street is there because their family got fed up and kicked them out until they straighten up, or sober up.

2020-09-26 10:29:13 UTC  

I knew a family when we first moved here, the guy lived on the streets the first week of every month, because he'd get his check, get drunk, and his wife wouldn't let him back in until he was sober.

2020-09-26 10:29:34 UTC  

Years. That was "normal" for his family for years.

That it is not a way to live

2020-09-26 10:30:37 UTC  

Nope. Some have changed their ways, and are trying to better things for the entire Tribe, but it's a small percentage.

2020-09-26 10:30:39 UTC  

i been thinking, why does starbucks fuck up your name?
i went into one first time in sweden and they called me something like Thomas

Shinyan real question is

Why are you going to Starbucks