Message from @DrewDaPilot
Discord ID: 760223538891718708
Lots of people here to debate us
lambton just joined the server 2 minutes ago
Yeah Joe is a true linguist
biden isnt that good but he stands for good stuff
I cause controversy
bruh gtfo troll
yeah i just joined
What good things does he stand for?
You lying dog faced pony soldier
doesn't evne know what he's talking about
Kamidere is his speech writer
i just came from the channel
> he is a bad speaker
@Lambton my guy if you are gonna try and defend Joe Biden, please at the very least come up with at least a half legit sounding claim
and i dont think he will win
Trump is a perfect speaker
Note: everyone here likes trump
He's pretty darn good at speaking
no hes not
calling someone a white supremacist is cancel culture
You just need to use long words to scare the left
trump is far better at speaking then biden
Like fervently
Its fascism drew
what makes trump better
biden looses his train of thoughts daily
doesnt even know what state he is in
> no hes not
@Lambton he is, he's also pretty good at handling high pressure situations, being a business man and all that
Joe Biden works for China
Evening All 🙂
and they manufactured the virus