Message from @LeSwede
Discord ID: 760661498720157756
normally when its something that only takes like one minute you do it to prove innocense
sorry grammar police
lol it is kinda absurd to check their ears for a debate
> lol it is kinda absurd to check their ears for a debate
@LeSwede but why not do it? prove trump wrong
use that as ammo
dont trip
takes like one minute
if he is so innocent
check trump blood every week and see whats there, definetly some enhancement drug, most people in high stress business does it
didnt he propose having both of them drug tested before the debate?
My parents got popcorn
and the biden administration denied?
@j a y d e n Yeah he said he would happily take a drug test
that does not exempt trump from taking drugs
i dont doubt that both of them take stress relievers
maybe he would simply choose not to take it before the debate, but he certanly takes it when he's working
im talking about stimulants and shit
oh god
"fact check" my ass
Wonder how drunk Nancy is right now
biden probably takes some drugs, but probably not enchancement drugs, most likely something for his health
CNN will fact check everything trump says but won't fact check anything biden says
Trump gonna kill Biden on live TV
It's 2:38in the morning I just woke up for it
3 am here in The Netherlands
cnn cant fact check anything
this is old news
@xeyex mobile Hour in front of me, I got my times wrong. I thought it started 40 mins ago lol
I'm on the phone with my cousins in Finland
They woke up for it
it will be interesting to see where this debate is going, are they going out with guns blazing, yapping about talking points, or will they have a milder conversation about ideas
people from outside the US are gonna watch this?