Message from @Biker
Discord ID: 760674421567914024
joe bidens argument is soley based off feelings
Get out commie
This Joe wants a mandatory vaccine
whos watching the debate
🔥 🌶️ <:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065> <:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065> <:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065> <:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065>
<:Trigglypuff:758720194646114385> <:Trigglypuff:758720194646114385> <:Trigglypuff:758720194646114385>
swine flu!!!
"I know what to do"
Your 47 years prove otherwise
<:YouKnowTheThing:723005092764319776> 🍆 🥵
Imagine Twitter tomorrow
I have 2 debate screens on
😩 <:TrumpEmoji:720119339185078332> 🌶️
twitter REEEE
should i delete twitter
biden litterally just said 14k deaths mean nothing like **bruh**
its dying already ik bu tlike
Twitter say orange man bad aaaaa
<:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513> <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288> <:TrumpEmoji:720119339185078332> <:salut:730846445732888630>
Twitter is active because people there don't want to work
trump and biden: arguing about covid
the moderator: gentlemen gentlemen
is biden chanelling malcom in the middle?
Sad but True^
or berny mak?
"listen america"
> whos watching the debate
@Braden of Nations you mean who's watching Chris Wallace cut off Trump every time he gets 2 mins to let Mr Vice President speak
Beach meme Joe is saying
"you all need to vote..."
That was said *sarcastically*
Biden doesnt want a trump vaccine because he wants it forced
Oof what a dog faced pony soldier is joe
@Biker somone had to hav it to spread it
Trump didnt force them ppl
Biden said my name
how people who dont know shit about politics feel when saying trump is bad because everyone else is without making any individual reasoning upon why