Message from @sacnam343

Discord ID: 763401356677087233

2020-10-07 14:02:38 UTC  

except my parents and brother

2020-10-07 14:02:38 UTC  


2020-10-07 14:02:39 UTC  

Both my parents are Democrats so I cant buy trump stuff

2020-10-07 14:02:54 UTC  

i would make a trino flag my background in zoom but i can’t now

2020-10-07 14:02:55 UTC  

@sacnam343 I tend to see politics as many different axes with different positions on different issues, like economic left vs right, authoritarian vs libertarian, nationalism vs globalism and so on

2020-10-07 14:03:00 UTC  

Plus, the thugs here would get offended if I wore trump stuff

2020-10-07 14:03:05 UTC  

And probably attack me

2020-10-07 14:03:09 UTC  

and it’s gonna be past the election by the time any of that happens

2020-10-07 14:03:16 UTC  

ig in that way, but are u aware of Giovanni Gentile

2020-10-07 14:03:22 UTC  

the described Facism

2020-10-07 14:03:39 UTC  

Its Marxist classism vs egalitarian views

2020-10-07 14:03:42 UTC  

I used to live in new york

2020-10-07 14:03:48 UTC  

see y’all later i got class soon

2020-10-07 14:03:49 UTC  

which is extremely liberal

2020-10-07 14:03:50 UTC  

former CT gang

2020-10-07 14:03:53 UTC  


2020-10-07 14:03:57 UTC  

yeah i live in ny

2020-10-07 14:04:12 UTC  

I thought that Mussolini had invented the original idea of Fascism, and Hitler created National Socialism as a seperate idea completely

2020-10-07 14:04:16 UTC  

i have lost so many friends for being conservative and openly supporting trump

2020-10-07 14:04:17 UTC  


2020-10-07 14:04:26 UTC  

Mussolini took ideas from Gentile

2020-10-07 14:04:31 UTC  

Ah okay

2020-10-07 14:04:37 UTC  

he founded the first facist dictatorship

2020-10-07 14:04:43 UTC  

its buried lol

2020-10-07 14:04:43 UTC  

the fact that people will drop a 5 year long friendship because of politics is crazy to me

2020-10-07 14:04:45 UTC  

Some of my friends call me a racist in a jokingly way for supporting trump

2020-10-07 14:04:50 UTC  


2020-10-07 14:04:56 UTC  

none of my friends say that

2020-10-07 14:04:59 UTC  

all are redpilled

2020-10-07 14:05:00 UTC  


2020-10-07 14:05:00 UTC  

Like ok then

2020-10-07 14:05:01 UTC  


2020-10-07 14:05:03 UTC  

thanks to em

2020-10-07 14:05:04 UTC  


2020-10-07 14:05:04 UTC  

taxes are high

2020-10-07 14:05:11 UTC  

people treat me like i'm dumb

2020-10-07 14:05:17 UTC  

it's funny

2020-10-07 14:05:17 UTC  

Its cause u live in a big city@Vice President SwagLord

2020-10-07 14:05:18 UTC  

oh yea that is gonna happen

2020-10-07 14:05:20 UTC  

Used too

2020-10-07 14:05:21 UTC  

and liberal-per-hour