Message from @Failco

Discord ID: 763415688442150942

2020-10-07 14:58:46 UTC  

And he said if you speak against the holy spirit you wint be forgiven

2020-10-07 14:58:46 UTC  

Guys I did this a couple days ago and I think if more people did it would be good. Go to <#725110151211778098> and recommend a religion discussion channel

2020-10-07 14:58:53 UTC  

Jesus loves the uneducated too

2020-10-07 14:58:56 UTC  

The only unpardonable sin is the state of continued disbelief. Matthew 12 shows that the pharasees are in a continued state of unbelief and do not turn away. If your claim was true @TheBlackRedneck anyone who says Jesus name in vain is destined for hell, when in reality, people mess up and they can repent that what they did was wrong

2020-10-07 14:59:12 UTC  

Jesus forgives any sin

2020-10-07 14:59:18 UTC  

@shaggy Jesus came into this world as a baby and grew up like a human he understands and knows what we've all been through he's been threw it himself

He was on his earth yes went back to heaven and he will come back to earth again

Everything happening on already been foretold and predicted in the bible

2020-10-07 14:59:21 UTC  

@🎄Brandon P-R2k🎄 Jesus is not the holy spirit

2020-10-07 14:59:41 UTC  

Using Jesus name in vain is speaking against man

2020-10-07 14:59:45 UTC  

Not the holy spirit

2020-10-07 14:59:54 UTC  

Then you reject the trinity?

2020-10-07 14:59:59 UTC  


2020-10-07 15:00:01 UTC  

No I do

2020-10-07 15:00:11 UTC  

what did i miss?

2020-10-07 15:00:13 UTC  

revalation 22, verses 18 and 19: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
(19) And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. @TheBlackRedneck

2020-10-07 15:00:21 UTC  

@TheBlackRedneck jeez who's been teaching you clearly don't understand the bible

2020-10-07 15:00:22 UTC  

Listen@🎄Brandon P-R2k🎄 The verse says and I quote

2020-10-07 15:00:29 UTC  

I am going to agree to disagree @TheBlackRedneck

2020-10-07 15:00:35 UTC  


2020-10-07 15:01:20 UTC  

"God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book"

2020-10-07 15:01:23 UTC  

"But anyone who speaks a word against the son of man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the holy spirit will not be forgiven..." Matthew 12:32@🎄Brandon P-R2k🎄

2020-10-07 15:01:23 UTC  

He doesnt understand the verse

2020-10-07 15:01:48 UTC is a great resource for anyone who has questions.

2020-10-07 15:01:50 UTC  

Do you guys actaully understand what his word actaully says or you just using verses to what you believe they said to your belief base on how you were tought

2020-10-07 15:02:11 UTC  


2020-10-07 15:02:11 UTC  

Again, you are wrong

2020-10-07 15:02:21 UTC  

People just need to talk to jesus. Dont get lost in the sciptures

2020-10-07 15:02:36 UTC  

Never use his word to forfill one's agendas or according to your will

2020-10-07 15:02:37 UTC  

I know Jesus and he is a good dude

2020-10-07 15:02:49 UTC  

As Jesus said in matthew 12 verse 32 anyone who speaks against man will be forgiven expect speaking against the holy spirit

2020-10-07 15:02:56 UTC  

Dont throw shade on my guy Jesus

2020-10-07 15:03:14 UTC  

@Failco Amen

2020-10-07 15:03:44 UTC  


2020-10-07 15:03:53 UTC  

"God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book" is written pretty clearly @Hanimikyu

2020-10-07 15:04:04 UTC  

Ok, someone copy and paste the full verse of Matthew 12:31-32 and well have a whole bible lesson. We need to know who is right and wrong

2020-10-07 15:04:16 UTC  

Copypaste the bible why dont ya

2020-10-07 15:04:23 UTC  

On Google

2020-10-07 15:04:23 UTC  

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit has to do with accusing Jesus Christ of being demon-possessed instead of Spirit-filled. This particular type of blasphemy cannot be duplicated today. The Pharisees were in a unique moment in history: they had the Law and the Prophets, they had the Holy Spirit stirring their hearts, they had the Son of God Himself standing right in front of them, and they saw with their own eyes the miracles He did. Never before in the history of the world (and never since) had so much divine light been granted to men; if anyone should have recognized Jesus for who He was, it was the Pharisees. Yet they chose defiance. They purposely attributed the work of the Spirit to the devil, even though they knew the truth and had the proof. Jesus declared their willful blindness to be unpardonable. Their blasphemy against the Holy Spirit was their final rejection of God’s grace. They had set their course, and God was going to let them sail into perdition unhindered.

2020-10-07 15:04:31 UTC  

God teaches us his kids differently in ways to help understand how learn what his word actaully says draw closer to him and do everything according to his will

Must have faith in him and pray put God and others first before ourselves

There's lot of churches whom teach his word wrong

2020-10-07 15:04:31 UTC  


2020-10-07 15:04:34 UTC  


2020-10-07 15:04:48 UTC  

Theres lot of songs that arent biblical