Message from @Aletro
Discord ID: 763544800959660043
> @Knotty I have a better beard than u
@Deleted User can you style yours?
where's the shea butter and coco oil?
you fraud!
what the fuck is this bs?
shea butter and coconut oil?
this guys doesn't even groom, guys
Would you rather have no job or McDonald's?
he's a fake!
holy shit man
bro i just use head and shoulders
a big fat phony!
Well I don’t understand beards bc am girl but medium sized beards look better then long ones
the walmart brand
Bruh head and shoulders shampoo for your entire body
Great value
wtf is this lady stuff
plus I have zero top hair outside of my damn beard
Is shaving your armpits gays?
ive never heard of that villain
does that even exist in america
I'm sponsored by McDonald's to tell you to eat the travis Scott burger
Sicko mode
baylis and hardings sounds like a gay buddy cop porn
i only trust american made products
And you can eat the burger with new McDonald's booty sauce
You must like things breaking
walmart is a good business
they sell quality products
too much reliance on c H I N A @Memologist Ph.D.
Walmart is nice
Symbol of Capitalism
Walmart is only good if you buy american
what was the point @ᚲᚱᛁᛊᛏᚨᚾ
otherwise you're socialist scum