Message from @Agent Bird
Discord ID: 763937241394446376
if they wanna be gay let them be gay
Oh right. In the interview, he more or less just allows them to be that way. Some people like one way and others like a different is something he said(not in exact words)
just dont force all this acceptance and tolerance stuff on me
they shouldnt be denied adoption and stuff
@Memologist Ph.D. my parents are religious and so am I, but I only decided for myself that being a Christian was something I was going to do at age 18. So basically I grew up in a Christian household for 18 years and went to church every week of that, and to a small extent I guess it was kind of forced on me, but I only decided that that was something I actually believed I was 18.
And yeah, I don’t think same-sex couples should be denied adoption rates, but I think that should be a last resort because every child deserves a mother and a father if it all possible
It was an illegal fly that has not paid a dollar of income tax in its life it is also a spy for the dem party it should go to jail not get deported
@Kaladin thats basically me
~~Firing squad.~~ @Agent Bird
i have to go to church every sunday, wednesday, and every event
as president of the united states
I will give the fly a full pardon
By the time, IF you come to office, the fly would have already been deported to a different country.
I mean I knew all the ‘church answers’ from a very young age, which I think completely desensitized me to actually having to think about what any of it actually meant. @Memologist Ph.D.
Anyone wanna debate?
im too depressed rn
Well to bad
I believe we should remove patent's on medicine
Sup y'all
I believe most patent's are keeping big businesses monopolies and destroying competition in the medicine sector keeping high prices high
Ya I don’t like the high prices of meds
my moms anti medicine
she took away my tylenol
The only reason medicine is high is because companies are putting patent's on medicine
Causing high prices to stay high
Due to the lack of competition
Patent in medicine destroys the whole idea of capitalism
> Anyone wanna debate?
@TheBlackRedneck why did you have to start a debate with me the other day
I was literally saying oh a part of your state is mountain time ain't that interesting
wow chat is dead
Today I learned just how stupid Google is
how so bro