Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 389955364067475456

2017-12-12 01:32:57 UTC  

CS is a meme degree, do an engineering degree and learn to code on the side if you wanna work in a field like that

2017-12-12 01:33:42 UTC  

past the super undergrad cs minor tier stuff CS is basically just philisopy pretending to be math

2017-12-12 01:34:58 UTC  

hell if i were to go back to uni and finish i'd probably just go for a phil major and minor in something "more practical"

2017-12-12 01:35:42 UTC  

How do majors and minors work though

2017-12-12 01:35:52 UTC  

I'm a bong so I don't understand that stuff

2017-12-12 01:35:59 UTC  

you have to take a couple slightly more advanced classes for a major

2017-12-12 01:36:01 UTC  

here, it's generally one subject only

2017-12-12 01:36:12 UTC  

a minor is a cut down version of the same program

2017-12-12 01:37:07 UTC  

i think minors are a meme

2017-12-12 01:37:28 UTC  

here in mechanical engineering they offer us the aerospace minor

2017-12-12 01:37:33 UTC  

i dont think is really worth it

2017-12-12 01:40:49 UTC  

here aerospace eng is its own major

2017-12-12 01:41:04 UTC  

so is electromechanical

2017-12-12 01:41:04 UTC  

if sports science can be a degree

2017-12-12 01:41:15 UTC  

sports science is just a flavor of bioengineering tbh

2017-12-12 01:41:23 UTC  

it's really cool shit

2017-12-12 01:42:16 UTC  

@Kaytee nice

2017-12-12 01:42:24 UTC  

here we only have the classic engineerings

2017-12-12 01:42:40 UTC  

mechanical, computer, electrical, chemical and civil

2017-12-12 01:42:56 UTC  

in a way the university was cheap so

2017-12-12 01:43:23 UTC  

in a way that's why i want to do the PhD

2017-12-12 01:43:37 UTC  

to specialize

2017-12-12 01:43:45 UTC  

also stem people laugh at polsci and sociology but don't even understand how fkn mathy that shit is

2017-12-12 01:43:54 UTC  

also i like knowledge so

2017-12-12 01:43:59 UTC  

makes your cs degree look like you could fail algebra in middle school and be fine

2017-12-12 01:44:15 UTC  
2017-12-12 01:44:23 UTC  

i thought CS was serious shit

2017-12-12 01:44:39 UTC  

cs really doesn't have you doing much math tbh

2017-12-12 01:44:58 UTC  

it's its own thing and i see it related more closely to philosophy than maths

2017-12-12 01:44:59 UTC  

I have heard if you dont do CS on the graduate level you have failed doe.. idk how right is that so

2017-12-12 01:45:49 UTC  

you're kinda just making really complex logical proofs with special computer syntax

2017-12-12 01:46:08 UTC  

on graduate CS?

2017-12-12 01:46:14 UTC  

cs in general

2017-12-12 01:46:34 UTC  

it feels way more like undergrad phil than undergrad maths

2017-12-12 01:46:52 UTC  

less reading about historical figures i guess

2017-12-12 01:47:29 UTC  

you don't have to attach some specific catholic monk's name to a problem or proof

2017-12-12 01:49:32 UTC  

also i kinda feel like a couple ethics courses should be a gen ed requirement

2017-12-12 01:49:43 UTC  

in place of "pick a humanities!", ethics specifically

2017-12-12 01:50:33 UTC  

forcing people to actually think about the implications of the shit they think and why they feel that way in the first place is super important and would nip a lot of stupid shit in the bud

2017-12-12 01:51:27 UTC  

It's already required. Turns out professors are people with bias and want to encourage thier brand if stupid shit.

2017-12-12 01:52:23 UTC  

not "Ethics in computer science", general ethics courses, and a couple of em