Message from @doglad
Discord ID: 296764278059433984
you jsut afk while your numbers rise
perfect for autists
the grand exchange killed it for me
yeah GE is pretty cancer but they brought back the wilderness
It was one of the few unique charateristics that it had you having to go out and sell and buy shit by hand with no global market
colorful text all over varrock
also I went back to play it a few years ago and realized there wasn't even that much content in the game
I was around for fally park and tbh I wouldnt go back to that as neat as fally park was
they shoulda put the ge north of it instead of varrock
All over the radio right now how she admitted on MJ on how Obama spied on Trump.
looks like an arab
But is a jew
anyone know these guys
definetely /ourguys/
>not milk guy
If I'm wearing a mask I'm wearing a gas mask
>wearing masks to hide identity not gas masks for self protection
Might be your guys but definitely not my guys
They're our guys, they just wanted to wear skull masks
Because muh RWDS meme
>Seeing images of dead grandparents with a millimeanl taking a self next to the dead person with duck face
Kill it
I have a gasmask I got a few days ago to at least protect somewhat but it's just a cheap one like stickman's
I want to figure out how to paint it black and yellow
problem is with the vents I cant just spray paint it
@Wrathsalts I find anyone who wears masks without reason for self protection against foreign particles (sciency sounding I know) is a setback for our cause. If no one can be held accountable by hiding their identity then it's easy for enemies to infiltrate our group
I don't disagree
Love the RWDS meme of course but meh
Just y'know
"Muh skullmasks"