Message from @fuckthapolice

Discord ID: 399644701189210124

2018-01-07 19:23:44 UTC  

just you wait

2018-01-07 19:23:48 UTC  


2018-01-07 19:23:48 UTC  

>not being bi

2018-01-07 19:23:52 UTC  


2018-01-07 19:23:56 UTC  

Being bisexual is the be st thing ever

2018-01-07 19:24:03 UTC  

pure gay or bust

2018-01-07 19:24:08 UTC  


2018-01-07 19:24:10 UTC  

You get to watch anime swimming boys and K-On

2018-01-07 19:24:16 UTC  

fuck outta here with your womans

2018-01-07 19:24:26 UTC  
2018-01-07 19:24:28 UTC  

Acting like you're fucking special

2018-01-07 19:24:29 UTC  


2018-01-07 19:24:35 UTC  

literally everyone is bi to some extent

2018-01-07 19:24:40 UTC  


2018-01-07 19:24:44 UTC  

i just caught myself jamming to azis

2018-01-07 19:24:48 UTC  


2018-01-07 19:24:48 UTC  

We will all be gay

2018-01-07 19:24:58 UTC  

who is using LaTeX for real
appart from linuxtards and maths fags/teachers please

2018-01-07 19:24:58 UTC  

I will spread my gay agenda

2018-01-07 19:25:05 UTC  

Not me

2018-01-07 19:25:21 UTC  

im out of tomato juice

2018-01-07 19:25:26 UTC  

I want to watch cute boys do cute things

2018-01-07 19:25:31 UTC  

you can also spread your legs shrimp
> thats gay

2018-01-07 19:25:36 UTC  

yeah do that shrimp

2018-01-07 19:25:39 UTC  

actually dont

2018-01-07 19:25:43 UTC  

i like them fierce

2018-01-07 19:25:43 UTC  
2018-01-07 19:25:47 UTC  


2018-01-07 19:25:47 UTC  

bulgarian here

2018-01-07 19:25:52 UTC  

hey azis

2018-01-07 19:25:56 UTC  

this fucker is here

2018-01-07 19:25:56 UTC  


2018-01-07 19:25:59 UTC  

Why are euros flooding into here

2018-01-07 19:26:03 UTC  


2018-01-07 19:26:04 UTC  

Don't you know where you are?

2018-01-07 19:26:05 UTC  

bulgary is a bit slavic no ?

2018-01-07 19:26:11 UTC  

more gypsy imo

2018-01-07 19:26:14 UTC  

from what ive seen

2018-01-07 19:26:15 UTC  

Macedonia is not Bulgaria

2018-01-07 19:26:16 UTC  


2018-01-07 19:26:17 UTC  

yeah true