Message from @pundeh

Discord ID: 796905073468899359

2021-01-08 00:46:24 UTC  

He is cucked indeed

2021-01-08 00:47:13 UTC  

Doesn't mean we have to

2021-01-08 00:48:59 UTC  

Nope. But the momentum seems lost right now. Biden administration is going to struggle not to enrage everyone. If they lockdown and mask like they mentioned it will be swiftly back in place.

2021-01-08 00:49:04 UTC  

Trump is done, but this is only the beginning

2021-01-08 00:50:16 UTC  

good luck on trying to get anything right of mao elected anytime soon

2021-01-08 00:50:30 UTC  

For now he is. These things take time to process. They boil up, then we are all "shocked and horrified" but the next happening comes along and we'll go even further.

2021-01-08 00:50:36 UTC  

More goodluck relying on any kind of elections

2021-01-08 00:51:15 UTC  

Rip America

2021-01-08 00:51:16 UTC  

Milestones at a time right now. Gotta understand as emboldened as we probably are right now there's still 70% of America who are clinging to the hopes that things go back to normal

2021-01-08 00:52:05 UTC  

their is no normal, but being a boog larper on the internet is a fools errand tbh

2021-01-08 00:54:35 UTC  

Those that are mad at trump for "conceding" is the reason why we lost today. Stop believing things like qanon.

2021-01-08 00:54:59 UTC  

Denial mode

2021-01-08 00:55:21 UTC  

Qanon is bs

2021-01-08 00:55:26 UTC  

everything since november has been denial mode tbh

2021-01-08 00:55:30 UTC  

About time we go back on offense mode, make sure we criticise the Biden administration for the slightest mistake

2021-01-08 00:55:39 UTC  

We can play their game too

2021-01-08 00:55:47 UTC  

just watched Trump's video. big F.

2021-01-08 00:55:47 UTC  

But for the people that were gonna fight, giving up isn't the way

2021-01-08 00:56:00 UTC  

Doesn't matter if this fight is in a years time

2021-01-08 00:56:07 UTC  

you do realize...

2021-01-08 00:56:15 UTC  

Exactly, we need to go back on offense mode soon. Criticise them and get as much support

2021-01-08 00:56:18 UTC  

Nah referring to everything you disagree with and blaming qanon is why it gained so much traction in the first place.

2021-01-08 00:56:23 UTC  

that they can now get away with rigging every election till the end of time?

2021-01-08 00:56:43 UTC  

I can garontee you Q isn’t bull shit its just a stretched truith

2021-01-08 00:56:44 UTC  

their will be no second chance

2021-01-08 00:57:04 UTC  

Unless there is s fight, which is why telling people to give up I'd not a good idea

2021-01-08 00:57:14 UTC  

There will be no reconciliation between myself and the left

2021-01-08 00:57:21 UTC  

Or the GOP

2021-01-08 00:57:26 UTC  

yeah, fight, like the 6th right?

2021-01-08 00:57:37 UTC  

Neither of them represent me

2021-01-08 00:57:38 UTC  

Yep fuck them

2021-01-08 00:57:46 UTC  

6th wasn't organised

2021-01-08 00:58:14 UTC  

The problem with that rally was there were no leaders so antifa could just infiltrate with ease

2021-01-08 00:58:16 UTC  

doesn't matter if it was nor not, people could have done something but it took antifa to go inside to do it <:smugpepe:445634631950139403>

2021-01-08 00:58:25 UTC  

Fk the 6th. Most of them just went there for memes and selfie

2021-01-08 00:58:34 UTC  

it's harder to organize shit these days when you have the NSA spying on you from every electronic device

2021-01-08 00:58:34 UTC  

We're about to watch every swing state switch blue. And then Florida and Texas. And slowly, all that red territory in the middle of the country will go blue. I don't want to doom. But we just watched the master plan for there to never be a non-establishment *anything* let alone ***President*** ever again.

2021-01-08 00:58:37 UTC  

Whoever took Pelosi hardware should release the detail

2021-01-08 00:58:39 UTC  

You know this damaged our image right?

2021-01-08 00:58:52 UTC  

There are no leaders because fools talk more than listen

2021-01-08 00:58:54 UTC  

I think it's inevitable though, even if it's just a few there is gonna be s fight