Message from @Thunnus

Discord ID: 796908087645962240

2021-01-08 01:03:14 UTC  

Eventually we will have to have a talk about appropriate reactions

2021-01-08 01:03:27 UTC  

Because sadly it’s coming to that

2021-01-08 01:03:39 UTC  

Modern American right is full of pussy Larper's and people who wish they could boog

2021-01-08 01:03:40 UTC  

Yesterday most certainly did not damage our image. "Violence is always bad" is the big lie of the establishment. Talk to the people around you, face to face. Nearly everyone wishes it went further.

2021-01-08 01:03:42 UTC  

Offense is best defense that why degeneracy is winning

2021-01-08 01:04:01 UTC  

don't be like antifa

2021-01-08 01:04:31 UTC  

Alright Hightower, 4 years of moral high ground didn't do shit

2021-01-08 01:04:42 UTC  

All Im saying is dont be the one the ignite the civil war

2021-01-08 01:05:23 UTC  

All you have to say to anyone who bitches about violence is *this is how our fucking country was born, you cunts*

2021-01-08 01:05:35 UTC  

Foolish to the extreme... we should be relentless in the goal of destroying the left

2021-01-08 01:06:04 UTC  

And what limits will you put in your quest for blood?

2021-01-08 01:06:12 UTC  

Will you just be a rabid animal?

2021-01-08 01:06:24 UTC  

Without giving away details that can get me doxxed?

2021-01-08 01:06:28 UTC  

Death to every enemy who doesnt sit down and shut the fuck up

2021-01-08 01:06:42 UTC  

Listen, we all just need to take a breather. Fighting amongst ourselves is not going to help. We can't change what has happened. But arguing like punks won't help. We need each other.

2021-01-08 01:06:47 UTC  

Because I’m telling you guys your all being watched and talking about this shit online is idiotic as fuck

2021-01-08 01:07:07 UTC  

Like chill out everyone

2021-01-08 01:07:30 UTC  

Trump aint even out and you all are going rabid

2021-01-08 01:07:35 UTC  

Who cares im not hiding come get me im ready for death

2021-01-08 01:07:50 UTC  

Dont do it in the server

2021-01-08 01:08:13 UTC  

Yeh agreed, need to keep the talk legal here.

2021-01-08 01:08:13 UTC  

Because shits darker than you think here

2021-01-08 01:09:27 UTC  

Anyone who stand in the way is the enemy...anyone!!!

2021-01-08 01:09:29 UTC  

Now im not going to ask again because lets just say this server might not exist soon. So do me a favor and chill the fuck out everyone

2021-01-08 01:09:30 UTC  

Yeah we gotta make sure it's in uh

2021-01-08 01:09:36 UTC  


2021-01-08 01:09:42 UTC  


2021-01-08 01:09:50 UTC  

Do any backups exist?

2021-01-08 01:09:55 UTC  


2021-01-08 01:09:57 UTC  

Or alternates?

2021-01-08 01:10:14 UTC  

I dont know what might happen in 4 years

2021-01-08 01:10:22 UTC  

Im just saying mind your ps and qs

2021-01-08 01:10:37 UTC  

Hardly know what's going to happen in 4 weeks, let alone 4 years

2021-01-08 01:10:51 UTC  


2021-01-08 01:11:01 UTC  


2021-01-08 01:11:04 UTC  

Yep big tech are going to love doxing any right thoughts to the alphabet crew

2021-01-08 01:11:08 UTC  

if I wanted to suck Trump's dick where would I go for that?

2021-01-08 01:11:09 UTC  

Graham better take that fucking MAGA hat off

2021-01-08 01:11:16 UTC  


2021-01-08 01:11:32 UTC  

Troll raid

2021-01-08 01:11:37 UTC  

I said it earlier today I'll say it again. It's not about Trump. It's about us. They spent 75 years infiltrating our institutions. This won't be solved in a few days or years. Everyone literally let this happen while playing CoD instead of getting out and fighting it years ago. Though the boomers are the most at fault. But...this isn't the end. Don't let Trump's sacrifices be in vain. We know what we are up against. The founding fathers didn't boog till they had to. They planned, they formed, they rebelled, and when the time came they booged. But dammit they did it smart.