Message from @tomB63

Discord ID: 796685348432248842

2021-01-07 10:16:21 UTC  


2021-01-07 10:16:32 UTC  

I think 2021 will end boring. 🤷

2021-01-07 10:17:04 UTC  

Started off with a bang. Imagine if I said that during Quassem whatshisnuts January 4th 2020

2021-01-07 10:17:05 UTC  

I will say this. If Biden is indeed sworn in: I won't recognize him as President. The election situation was such a farce. Even if by some remote chance it *was* a fair election (I can't see how at this point), hearing the testimony of how ballots were handled in swing states was at the very least: F'ing amateur hour, that it is beyond me that any of it was certified.

2021-01-07 10:17:05 UTC  

@ryanonsrc, you just advanced to level 8!

2021-01-07 10:18:21 UTC  

chain of custody on ballots has to be dead obvious

2021-01-07 10:18:33 UTC  

Sadly, we'll probably never know the truth... Just like we don't know the truth about any of the other political investigations that have taken place in the history of America.

2021-01-07 10:18:46 UTC  

Didn't Sidney Powel still have a SCOTUS hearing coming up?

2021-01-07 10:19:03 UTC  

just pray the old zombie warmonger that always talks about fighting, actual violence... doesnt start a war

2021-01-07 10:19:14 UTC  

and all ballots and materials should be transparently avaiable for review by ANYONE under FOIA

2021-01-07 10:19:28 UTC  

the fact they are buried who knows where makes it a farce

2021-01-07 10:20:04 UTC  

like someone pointed out ... supermarkets track their groceries better than this

2021-01-07 10:20:20 UTC  

I just think there was too much irregularity to believe that there wasn't anything fishy going on.

2021-01-07 10:20:51 UTC  

Change the story, change the lead. So on so forth as the world turns.

2021-01-07 10:20:56 UTC  

FOI(OWWSS)A = Freedom of Information (Only When We Say So) Act.

2021-01-07 10:21:20 UTC  

right but my point is that even if there wasn't ... hearing the testimony of how vote counting is done sounds like they just took all the ballots and flung 'em into a chimpanzee cage at the zoo

2021-01-07 10:21:34 UTC  

I have been telling people to go to but they simply refuse to consider that anything supporting Trump's case could possible be true - all tainted - I guess nothing short of a full confession from someone will do - just like in murder trials

2021-01-07 10:22:21 UTC  

That's because they could care less about the democratic process they're still back in 2016 not believing that Trump won that election and they'll sacrifice the sanctity of America just to make sure he's not there.

2021-01-07 10:22:28 UTC  

then the media gaslights us saying "baseless fraud claims" over and over

2021-01-07 10:23:08 UTC  

Yes propaganda uses slogans that are easy to learn and repeat by the hive mind - no evidence of fraud - I have heard it repeated from friends who have been drinking the KoolAid

2021-01-07 10:23:09 UTC  

some ppl are gone, the ever seen the movie Idiocracy? we are almost there

2021-01-07 10:23:46 UTC  

This is what makes me so upset...

2021-01-07 10:23:51 UTC  

sounds like a false flag. I don't buy it for a second.

2021-01-07 10:24:11 UTC  

they are trying to pin that garbage on Trump supporters

2021-01-07 10:25:28 UTC  

I was about to make an idiocracy reference earlier. In fact, that's what I thought when the rando was behind the podium in the chamber

2021-01-07 10:25:28 UTC  

To clarify you're inferring the narrative post death, not the event as a whole?

2021-01-07 10:25:33 UTC  

They're just trying to make her look bad because apparently... White people aren't allowed to be wrongfully killed by police. It's just simply unheard of so they design a narrative to attempt to make it ok. Worst part?? It works...

2021-01-07 10:25:52 UTC  

Because there are MANY angles of the shooting

2021-01-07 10:26:27 UTC  

correct. I am saying that whomever came up with the claim against the victim wants people to believe some Trump supporters are making that claim.

2021-01-07 10:27:29 UTC  

Though I do wish Ashley hadn't stuck her head through that door window - the guy in the suit inside had a pistol waiting to unload - very disturbing, its not like she was showing a weapon

2021-01-07 10:27:30 UTC  

As to why she was shot ... its hard to say ... it was chaotic in there and seemed likely to be accidental

2021-01-07 10:27:51 UTC  

the police and guard let them storm that building, that was the 1 and only chance probably to actually do anything... they could have brought rifles and dealt justice, rather than flags and do chanting, got lucky

2021-01-07 10:28:08 UTC  

Kind of his job and knew it was coming, window already broken.

2021-01-07 10:28:33 UTC  

That was probably a line in the sand given by instruction. But idk.

2021-01-07 10:28:44 UTC  

yeah I considered the possibility that some people on the ground did what they could to allow the take-over ... just so the bad optics could play out

2021-01-07 10:30:12 UTC  

and media.. instead of police gun down a peaceful protester and another shot heard round the world, it was violent racist right wingers destroying the building

2021-01-07 10:30:36 UTC  

I really think that you can't say "If they come in here, even if they're unarmed, shoot them" Congress can't tell them to do that and as far as I know is a violation of ROEs.

2021-01-07 10:31:12 UTC  

By "you" I don't mean you personally.

2021-01-07 10:31:23 UTC  

Buildings matter, wasn't that the motto? </S>

2021-01-07 10:31:30 UTC  
