Message from @tomB63

Discord ID: 796694505197404170

2021-01-07 10:55:26 UTC  

Not to mention Bernie Sanders is the chair of the budget committee and we just handed them the majority.. I expect to see a lot of things happen on the backs of working Americans that will make life a lot harder

2021-01-07 10:55:31 UTC  

military budget, straight to pockets of the already rich, the waste is insane

2021-01-07 10:56:09 UTC  

I heard there was a new drink in US - called a Democrat, you pay the bar tender and he gives your drink to somebody else.

2021-01-07 10:56:13 UTC  

Yeah. Can't hop on board with this one. Our public transport is shit.

2021-01-07 10:56:14 UTC  

Right?? Annual salary to House and Senate members totals 32 billion. Imagine how much money we could save by NOT paying those millionaires?!!?

2021-01-07 10:56:26 UTC  

with a democrat congress and biden at the helm America is in for some trouble im afraid

2021-01-07 10:56:52 UTC  

I honestly don't think America will change too much with Biden.

2021-01-07 10:56:52 UTC  

Luckily you don't have to go anywhere .... cuz.... Coronavirus. </s>

2021-01-07 10:57:00 UTC  

Is that what happened when Obama was elected ?

2021-01-07 10:57:00 UTC  

Now if Kamala takes the reigns, that changes.

2021-01-07 10:57:23 UTC  

China is wide open for business.. and yeah biden wants lockdown pressure states to

2021-01-07 10:57:44 UTC  

Speaking of.. I've read that there are some statistics that point to the idea that a higher percentage of people are getting sick in their homes than they are going out to establishments to eat or shop.

2021-01-07 10:58:01 UTC  

China can't wait for Biden to bow to their leader...

2021-01-07 10:58:14 UTC  

I wonder what Kim Jong will do...

2021-01-07 10:58:39 UTC  

Anyone here think that the green new deal will come back and bite us in the ass for thousands of American jobs?

2021-01-07 10:58:42 UTC  

i read a study from Denmark about how masks actually cause bacterial pneumonia on a large scale, they did the math and in the US its around 30k deaths probably from it

2021-01-07 10:58:48 UTC  


2021-01-07 10:58:52 UTC  

You shut your mouth right now! What are you trying to do with facts like that, have biden come in and break up families. </s>

2021-01-07 10:59:00 UTC  

I would disagree. China benefited hugely from The trump Presidency.

2021-01-07 10:59:17 UTC  

He can try... Just make sure to tell him not to come to my house and try that shit.

2021-01-07 10:59:31 UTC  

I hear Pelosi has put AOC in charge of an inquistion of sorts - I guess AOC's list of Trump enablers will come in handy - sharpening her pencil 😦

2021-01-07 10:59:36 UTC  

ROE = Pew Pew?

2021-01-07 10:59:41 UTC  

This doomsaying doesn't help anyone though.

2021-01-07 11:00:34 UTC  

We have fire extinguishers in our homes in case of a fire cause we don't want the whole house to burn down if we can help it. So why not discuss these possibilities and be mentally prepared for it if it helps us survive and be useful?

2021-01-07 11:01:10 UTC  

im honestly worried about the senile old groper that had open brain surgery having the nuclear codes

2021-01-07 11:01:20 UTC  

You should be doing this regardless of who gets into power.

2021-01-07 11:01:45 UTC  

I did this when Trump got into office, and I did it when Obama got into office and I did it when Bush went to war with Iraq...

2021-01-07 11:01:54 UTC  


2021-01-07 11:03:05 UTC  

I'll continue to do it regardless, because being prepared for stuff like this, no matter how crazy it seems, will help me survive if things go down hill.

2021-01-07 11:04:04 UTC  

My concern is that when/if Trump finally leaves, Antifa will play their game of 'lets dress up like Trump supporters, grab a few Molitov cocktails and go burn places to make Trump supporters look like evil losers'

2021-01-07 11:04:08 UTC  

pray for the best but prepare for the worst, good motto to live by

2021-01-07 11:04:25 UTC  

Think fast: top three things you're going to do during a Carrington event if you're on the toilet.

2021-01-07 11:04:30 UTC  

Blaming it on the other side is so easy, isn't it?

2021-01-07 11:04:31 UTC  

I have to return to another day of lockdown. Don’t be taking over any more buildings! Good day.

2021-01-07 11:04:42 UTC  

number 1 or number 2?

2021-01-07 11:04:49 UTC  

Have a good one.

2021-01-07 11:05:11 UTC  

Idk I didn't think that far, I'm dead already.

2021-01-07 11:05:12 UTC  

number 1 then 2 and then play with myself lol

2021-01-07 11:05:12 UTC  

yes, standard Bolshevik playbook I think

2021-01-07 11:05:48 UTC  

Guess everyone is a communist then.

2021-01-07 11:06:06 UTC  

lol me too cause you took too long to answer.