Message from @Ghostdog

Discord ID: 796835538904678443

2021-01-07 20:13:15 UTC  

If a PA voter is a legal citizen and cast a ballot according to the law as is on Election Day the constitution protects that vote

2021-01-07 20:13:23 UTC  

i understand what happened in my state, they dropped a ton of nearly all biden votes at midnight, then recounted the same messed up ballots called it legit

2021-01-07 20:13:51 UTC

2021-01-07 20:14:23 UTC  

Neat. That's a reporting error from Edison research, been over that many times. "Recounted the same messed up ballots" this is further proof that you don't understand how the tabulation works.

2021-01-07 20:14:37 UTC  

They wanted to create a conflict between those legal votes and the law of method of casting ballots.

2021-01-07 20:15:33 UTC  

The folks that founded PA wanted to protect their voters from dick moves

2021-01-07 20:15:42 UTC  

you cant make this shyt up. i for one think more Goldfish should vote!

2021-01-07 20:16:14 UTC  

reporting error? i watched it happen live, literally statistically impossible what happened here, in the 2 horribly corrupt democrat cities, nowhere else and never any "errors" that favor Trump lol

2021-01-07 20:16:17 UTC  

Anyone is free to try and prove me wrong and claim they know how the voting process works, but you better know how it functions!

2021-01-07 20:16:24 UTC  

Bullet points are acceptable.

2021-01-07 20:17:20 UTC  

Statistically impossible! Edison research data! They counted batches of votes multiple times! (There is clearly no other reason for this other than really bad attempts at fraud that are easily found!)

2021-01-07 20:17:57 UTC  

If votes were counted multiple times the poll books would be off by over 100000

2021-01-07 20:18:27 UTC  

Or you know, there was a ballot read error and they had to run the batch again after clearing the buffer.

2021-01-07 20:18:28 UTC  

right i get it there was no fraud, never fraud or foreign interference in elections, unless democrats loose

2021-01-07 20:18:31 UTC  

But they weren’t off were they

2021-01-07 20:19:15 UTC  

Speculation after speculation 😂

2021-01-07 20:19:30 UTC  

There a record of everyone that votes it’s how they make sure people don’t vote twice

2021-01-07 20:19:35 UTC  

Literally saying it's speculation when it's the most likely case. Okay then.

2021-01-07 20:19:47 UTC  

"But bad attempts at fraud = more likely."

2021-01-07 20:19:49 UTC  

They know how many votes should be in the total

2021-01-07 20:19:56 UTC  

funny the "swing states" in question have these really corrupt democrat controlled cities with a very deep history of voter fraud for decades, this year totally clean right

2021-01-07 20:20:01 UTC  

You don’t know if it’s the case but treat it as if it is — yes, that’s speculation

2021-01-07 20:20:09 UTC  

Someone has never heard of Hanlon's Razor, nor Occam's Razor it seems.

2021-01-07 20:20:21 UTC  

Guess the same thing could be said to you.

2021-01-07 20:20:24 UTC  

Not just locally those figures goes to multiple levels of clerks and election boards

2021-01-07 20:20:29 UTC  

And guess what, innocent until proven guilty!

2021-01-07 20:20:41 UTC  

SOL, there, my boy.

2021-01-07 20:20:48 UTC  

If a bunch of extra votes just show up red flags abound

2021-01-07 20:20:59 UTC  

Occam’s Razor does not apply to human behaviour

2021-01-07 20:21:04 UTC  


2021-01-07 20:21:47 UTC  

Depends — if I present the findings of experts, I am not speculating. Your unwillingness to accept the findings does not mean I am speculating, you’re just in denial

2021-01-07 20:22:26 UTC  

You have to be incredibly naive to think everything in the world has a simple explanation

2021-01-07 20:22:34 UTC  

It doesn’t

2021-01-07 20:22:50 UTC  

Sorry, I can't even. This is actually too much. lol

2021-01-07 20:22:52 UTC  

Truth is stranger than fiction

2021-01-07 20:23:03 UTC  

seems we are reliving some bad rendition of the allegory of the cave. Goldfish should have a Voice!

2021-01-07 20:23:29 UTC  

Yep, your 5-year old gullibility is too much for us as well. 😂😂😂

2021-01-07 20:23:56 UTC  

Keep the ad homs to a minimum please, you do still have to follow the rules.

2021-01-07 20:24:02 UTC  

a fake phone call to Ukraine is enuf to impeach a POTUS, a fake dirty dossier and "Russian collusion" , some bots online and media/big tech claims foreign interference in elections. hours and hours of state hearings they are all lies always never fraud, not widespread enuf i mean is the narrative now

2021-01-07 20:24:14 UTC  

You don’t follow your own rules lol

2021-01-07 20:24:22 UTC  

Show me where I ad hommed you.