Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 797183757819314206

2021-01-08 19:16:47 UTC  

Haven’t we had troops in Germany since ww2? 🙈😂

2021-01-08 19:16:49 UTC  

as the story goes the DC is a CIA asset they sent the Army after.

2021-01-08 19:17:03 UTC  

Yes, but you're not still occupying it, you're paying to be there.

2021-01-08 19:17:22 UTC  

Can he be charge ?? As a instigator and leader of the mob?

2021-01-08 19:17:24 UTC  

part of the NATO contribution.

2021-01-08 19:17:54 UTC  

No I know we aren’t occupying it. I’m not referring to the election either. I just find it fascinating that we have been there that long 🤷🏼‍♀️

2021-01-08 19:18:00 UTC  

For making ridiculous statements? Probably not.

2021-01-08 19:18:18 UTC  

Yeah, the occupation of Germany lasted a surprisingly long time.

2021-01-08 19:18:39 UTC  

They werent that ridiculous after the capitol. He said go fight like all the Trumps member ask for of their followers to do

2021-01-08 19:18:56 UTC  

But they finished their goal of reuniting West/East Germany.

2021-01-08 19:19:02 UTC  

And the fall of the USSR.

2021-01-08 19:19:03 UTC  

I don’t even want to think about how much that has cost over the years

2021-01-08 19:20:11 UTC  

lets call it the European base for training and proving we are a rich people to buy that...

2021-01-08 19:20:51 UTC  

lets call it the European base for training and proving we are a rich people to buy that...

2021-01-08 19:21:14 UTC  

And to think it's primarily because after WWI everyone basically screwed Germany and made their lives awful in punishment for the next two decades.

2021-01-08 19:22:23 UTC  

whats funny is people like to talk about pre ww2 berlin like it was a great place

2021-01-08 19:22:57 UTC  

they dont mention the rampant poverty and wealth inequality that lead to the insanity of antifa and brownshirts having street battles

2021-01-08 19:23:22 UTC  

Which Hitler personally participated in, yes.

2021-01-08 19:23:28 UTC  


2021-01-08 19:23:32 UTC  

Almost died once.

2021-01-08 19:23:38 UTC  

Body landed on him and saved him.

2021-01-08 19:23:40 UTC  

Antifa is literally teh reason he rose to power

2021-01-08 19:23:56 UTC  

Eh, that's where we're going to diverge.

2021-01-08 19:24:00 UTC  


2021-01-08 19:24:05 UTC  

one of

2021-01-08 19:24:43 UTC  

the reactionaries were irrelevent until the communists gained power and influence

2021-01-08 19:26:05 UTC  

He rose to power because Germany was rife with poverty, starvation, and a seething hatred of the people that put them in that state. Hate begets hate, and Hitler was seen as a strong-man that would solve the problem.

2021-01-08 19:26:17 UTC  

Its funny the double standards. When the Trump Strike Force Team says go fight to defend your votes he is crazy but when a community leader says go fight for your rights they are seen as a radical extremist

2021-01-08 19:26:18 UTC  

The reason trump got elected is because people were lazy and didn’t vote in 2016

2021-01-08 19:26:34 UTC  

@Maw thats how the communists rose to pwoer in germany too

2021-01-08 19:26:47 UTC  

i recommend the between two wars series on youtube

2021-01-08 19:26:48 UTC  

very great

2021-01-08 19:27:45 UTC  

I think brexit was the same way

2021-01-08 19:27:52 UTC  

... no.

2021-01-08 19:27:53 UTC  

Some people did it for the memes

2021-01-08 19:27:56 UTC  

Just no.

2021-01-08 19:28:10 UTC  

Don't compare Brexit to post-WWI Germany.

2021-01-08 19:28:12 UTC  


2021-01-08 19:28:27 UTC  

I’m comparing the 2016 election to brexit

2021-01-08 19:28:31 UTC  

Not ww2

2021-01-08 19:28:34 UTC  

Oh, thank goodness.