Message from @Ghostdog

Discord ID: 797202842128875527

2021-01-08 20:34:59 UTC  

Killed one officer.

2021-01-08 20:35:03 UTC  

But apparently were let in.

2021-01-08 20:35:05 UTC  


2021-01-08 20:35:14 UTC  

I thought that was later retracted.

2021-01-08 20:35:18 UTC  


2021-01-08 20:35:36 UTC  

Saw it deep in the Twitter, I’ll go grab a link.

2021-01-08 20:35:40 UTC  

It was retracted because he was on life support so his family could say goodbye and they pulled the plug. He's now dead.

2021-01-08 20:36:00 UTC  

didnt he have a heart attack tho?

2021-01-08 20:36:09 UTC  

Since when do they report on death, then undo the report? That’s goofy.

2021-01-08 20:36:16 UTC  

No. Brain hemorrhage, most likely.

2021-01-08 20:36:28 UTC  

He was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.

2021-01-08 20:36:35 UTC  

oh wow thats sad

2021-01-08 20:36:51 UTC  

i didnt hear about that, media is so bad omg

2021-01-08 20:37:03 UTC  

Media reported it, dunno what to tell you.

2021-01-08 20:37:35 UTC  

I’ve listened to quite a few folks on the ground and most people had no clue that anyone got inside the capital until after.

I think this is one of those ones that is really murky while we are this close. 🤷🏻‍♂️

2021-01-08 20:37:36 UTC  

Maybe you don't look at both sources like people love to claim.

2021-01-08 20:38:52 UTC  

i didnt know he dies, but if it happened today i just got home so...

2021-01-08 20:38:54 UTC  

There’s just a lot of things that don’t add up. 🤷🏻‍♂️

2021-01-08 20:39:07 UTC  

It was first reported yesterday evening.

2021-01-08 20:39:28 UTC  

condolences to all who lost their life ofc, sad they put them in that position

2021-01-08 20:39:38 UTC  

Yeah, I tapped out in the evening. Gotta shut it off at some point.

2021-01-08 20:39:48 UTC  

I legit felt like it was 9/11 again

2021-01-08 20:39:56 UTC  

Of course, though, nothing to see here. Just an officer letting in those peaceful protesters, right?

2021-01-08 20:40:34 UTC  

Not sure who you’re throwing shade at. 🤔

2021-01-08 20:40:55 UTC  

i dont think anyone would say it was peaceful, it was just not very violent or destructive like the mobs of leftists nationwide for a couple years

2021-01-08 20:41:55 UTC  

I don't know, maybe the people blaming the officers for 'letting them in', when they have a ton of injuries, and an officer died of their injuries. Sounds kinda WEIRD.

2021-01-08 20:42:13 UTC  

some did horrible stuff, broke windows and broke laws, but they could have burned the capitol down or toppled statues

2021-01-08 20:42:30 UTC  

the occupiers turned into antifa and blm is a marxist political group and a meme

2021-01-08 20:42:35 UTC  

"Oh but it could have been worse" is not a good defense.

2021-01-08 20:42:44 UTC  

I’m not blaming the officers. I think it’s odd that they let them in.

2021-01-08 20:42:46 UTC  

Fine. Send every swinging dick up for insurrection...and then President Biden can pardon them by the grace of his benevolence as POTUS.

2021-01-08 20:43:01 UTC  


2021-01-08 20:43:16 UTC  

its not a defense at all, never should be defended, i just point out the hypocrisy of the left

2021-01-08 20:43:43 UTC  

And I've already said I've hammered on the left for the same thing my dude.

2021-01-08 20:44:15 UTC  

I don’t think that’s an offensive position to take. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It is 2021, so maybe that is a reprehensible query.

2021-01-08 20:44:20 UTC  

shame the media wont, for the sake of the country and peace and civility

2021-01-08 20:44:32 UTC  

The blame goes both ways for this.

2021-01-08 20:45:02 UTC  

the problem is it will get worse unless some grievances are redressed

2021-01-08 20:45:03 UTC  

Yeah, I agree we are now so deep in this no body is getting out unscathed.