Message from @gabe_brouse
Discord ID: 277915925431189504
their Black Bloc people know each other
Enlighten me
they will know that you aren't one of them you tremendous prancing la-la man
Holy shit and they're all covered up
autist confirmed
They won't know shit. If a group of like ~10 of us just joined their black bloc they literally won't give a fuck.
for not realizing that people can track of who is who even in similar outfits
oh my fucking god
You think they're gonna ask for a secret handshake or something?
someone hold this kid down and force him to read the Oathkeepers infiltration article
if you can triforce you aren't antifa 😃
Cointelpro stuff is better tbh
Rusholme, your feedback is appreciated, but is also faulty. They have pre-protest meetings to check up if everyone is there.. If you join them somehwere in their protest, you're likely to end up with broken teeth at the end of the day.
No @DoctorPiss
and people who are not actually on the autism spectrum are actually capable of spotting outsiders even if they are wearing the same costumes
Yea but remember they're in the heat of the moment. They're not going to check everyone's face and they're sure as shit not going to remember what everyone except their close friends are wearing.
They're not always in the heat of the moment.
They're low energy for a reason.
you're basing every idea you have on assumptions
They're gonna be focused on lighting trash cans on fire, not what some guy is wearing.
"well they'll be in the heat of the moment"
They're paranoid. You can see it how they cannibalize their own movement.
Yea, if they are rioting.
"i saw a bunch of video clips of them burning trash cans that means they arent thinking ever"
Ok since Im muted, is it safe to use my personal email to email the anitcom email address?
you're making massive, ignorant, sheltered assumptions
It is.
you remind me of a homeschooled kid
They're probably not though if they're focused on throwing chairs at cops.
Thanks Verm
You're assumign they're self-aware at all times.
just accept that you walked into this with a head full of GREAT IDEAS