Message from @isabella363

Discord ID: 785710666911973396

2020-11-23 17:43:51 UTC  


2020-11-23 17:45:54 UTC  

Heard its a crap page just curious

2020-11-23 23:20:09 UTC  

Wait wait wait... They took the high risk population first. Mental and physical disabilities.they took the to concentration camps and murdered them. It was more than just people of Jewish decent. They rounded people like me up and took them straight to the gas chambers. Thats how they perfected them. they would tell the family they were taking them somewhere to be safe and the families recieved death notices 3 to 6 months after to everyone in the villages they took them from. Damn I read alot.

2020-11-23 23:34:53 UTC  

@sweetsweet88 after the annexation of Austria to Germany, it only took the Nazi party 5 yrs to begin the round ups. Starting with the most remote area's first as not to bring attention to what they were really up to.

2020-11-23 23:36:30 UTC  

Yes and they took people who were elderly and had disabilities first before they even took jews. If you research there is so much more than Jews to the holocaust

2020-11-23 23:41:01 UTC  

@sweetsweet88 yes, that is true. I belive it was 3 yrs in before they started using divisive racial propagand to socially separate Jews and intellectuals.

2020-11-24 01:17:11 UTC  

My husband is so damn smart check this out

2020-11-24 01:17:15 UTC

2020-11-24 01:17:37 UTC  

Using the states contested you can spell KRAKEN

2020-11-24 21:08:56 UTC  

@sweetsweet88 the link is already down. Shit, I should have made a screenshot

2020-11-24 21:57:29 UTC  

The uprising video

2020-11-24 21:57:54 UTC  

I hate sweet sweet I wonder if I can change that lol

2020-11-24 21:59:02 UTC  

My husband made that my name so I could play a video game called pub g and shoot people. Not my thing

2020-12-07 23:03:35 UTC  
2020-12-08 09:37:18 UTC  

BOOST MY FUEL (@boostmyfuel) hat getwittert: 🇺🇲
Joe M. (Post)

#bidenWillNeverBePresident. (

2020-12-08 11:10:40 UTC  

Vincent Kennedy (@VincentCrypt46) hat getwittert: Thats different (

2020-12-08 20:34:03 UTC

2020-12-08 20:34:08 UTC  

Wonder I'd true

2020-12-09 00:35:25 UTC
I only watched untill. 23.minutes, it's unbelievable, China vaccine and before China connections of US gov

2020-12-09 10:40:32 UTC  

Lin Wood (@LLinWood) hat getwittert: Meet Brian Kemp, Governor of Georgia. Brian cares more about Communist China & its money than he cares about Georgia, freedom & an honest election.

Brian Kemp is not a Patriot. He is Communist corrupted.

Brian Kemp is a traitor. (

2020-12-09 10:45:31 UTC  

Lin Wood (@LLinWood) hat getwittert: Dominion is tied to CCP. Dominion is tied to Cabala Harris.
Dominion is in every GA county.

Connect the dots GA Patriots. (

2020-12-09 16:38:54 UTC  

CHUD Unchained. (@UncleGulag) hat getwittert: Cynthia A. Johnson of the Michigan House of Representatives has a message to you.

She appears to be calling on her "soldiers" to make you pay.

Remember this. I won't forget Cynthia.

2020-12-10 20:58:59 UTC

2020-12-10 21:05:12 UTC  

🅣🅡🅤🅣🅗_Ş₦łPEŘ ■■🍄■■100% (@truth_sniper) hat getwittert: This is what the "Deep State Resistance" has done. They do not want you to see or hear this. Please view before it is "abducted". All I can say is wow. His last statement is chilling. @HHere4trump @sbacon0410 @PrezElectFungi @TexasPatriot50

2020-12-17 05:24:06 UTC

The "hero Assange", he is a traitor!!! HE never published pizza G and he called the swamp to warn them only because his Ego could not let his old buddy from Germany publish them. I am really shocked. Pizza, this material, how can anybody have ego issues when it comes to This. And his information murdered Seth Rich. This little snake. F.. Assange

2020-12-17 05:24:09 UTC

The "hero Assange", he is a traitor!!! HE never published pizza G and he called the swamp to warn them only because his Ego could not let his old buddy from Germany publish them. I am really shocked. Pizza, this material, how can anybody have ego issues when it comes to This. And his information murdered Seth Rich. This little snake. F.. Assange

2020-12-17 10:41:38 UTC  

So was that him talking on tape about information?