Message from @GodEmperorGillan

Discord ID: 708294964802748458

2020-04-05 17:14:44 UTC  

Its the old frankish gods

2020-04-05 17:14:51 UTC  

and ancestors

2020-04-05 17:14:56 UTC  

and no wiccans are hella gay

2020-04-05 17:21:29 UTC  

so any real basis for your larp, other than asspulls?

2020-04-05 17:22:17 UTC  

@Ragnarok I'll go get the Joyeuse, fags need wigs split again.

2020-04-05 17:22:34 UTC  

neo-paganism is a larp based on bullshit, end of discussion.

2020-04-05 17:23:01 UTC  

@Primer the old Frankish gods that are made out of wood, who create nothing because they themselves are created

2020-04-05 17:23:26 UTC  

and looks like we have a fag in robes diddle his little poo hole.

2020-04-05 17:23:35 UTC  

The true Frankish God is the one that inspired the Blessed Charlemagne to subdue you fucking niggers by the sword

2020-04-05 17:23:48 UTC  

fairly common disposition for priest molestation victim

2020-04-05 17:24:14 UTC  

Eh he's just being an edgenigger

2020-04-05 17:24:37 UTC  


2020-04-09 07:56:17 UTC

2020-04-09 07:58:53 UTC

2020-04-29 03:02:39 UTC  


2020-05-31 05:44:57 UTC

2020-05-31 05:45:11 UTC

2020-07-22 21:40:14 UTC  

"Christ committed adultery first of all with the women at the well about whom St. John tells us. " Citation needed.

2020-07-23 04:01:36 UTC  

ok, so if there are all Luther's sayings or a collection of sayings, then I have some serious questions

2020-07-23 05:41:02 UTC  

@Ragnarok starting with the moses quips, how exactly are the ten commandments stupid, heretical, evil, heresy, or blasphemies? Second, Why is Moses and his law IE the Ten Commandments an enemy of Jesus Christ.
Why have more confidence in your wife and pupils than in Christ? Maybe because your wife and pupils affect your life more directly and more often, but Only through Christ can one be saved.
If it's Luther saying that God bestowing greater gifts on him than on any bishop before him for a thousand years, then I can't verify the quality of what he has recieved, but he was certainly the most influential in the past 1,000 years before him.
St. Augustine and St. Ambrose did good, but in overall impact on catholicism they are uncomparable to Luther.
St. Jame's Epistle has many aspects of the gospel and the teachings, but keep in mind the gospel are historical accounts by people who were there. The Letters or Epistles of St. James are parroted teachings of christ meant to be sent throughout the roman world to convert the gentiles. The spirit of the gospel is there, but the basic form is unlike the gospel because it doesn't tell a story, only how to be virtuous

2020-07-23 05:44:06 UTC  

Oh, I see. I would disagree then on his being in hell. Hell is for people who reject christ and god; those who wish to be at the center of the universe. Since Luther didn't reject god or christ, but he did utter blasphemies against the prophets of the old testament, the judgement is gods and gods alone

2020-07-23 05:46:49 UTC  

I would say that when it came to the matter of indulgences luther was correct. one cannot buy their way out of sin any more than one can buy a ticket to heaven.

2020-07-23 05:51:03 UTC  

Not exactly true. Pope Leo X offered indulgences to those who gave alms to rebuild the Basilica of St. Peter in 1517, which was the direct catalyst for Luther to mention it in the 95 theses

2020-07-23 05:53:26 UTC  

of course not. The kingdom of heaven is like a vault. One can put may dimes into the vault (the good works one does), but they ultimately have no value in the vault or to you, the donator, unless one has the key to open it (christ)

2020-07-23 05:57:13 UTC  

quite so. kind of like putting a dime of payment into a car you owe monthly on. But to get back on topic, I never knew all of these were sayings of Luther. What a dick to presume that christ slept around. I'd have shot the fuck for saying as such

2020-07-23 05:58:24 UTC  

? Denominations?

2020-07-23 06:01:37 UTC  

My schtick is that I don't believe that there should be an intermediary between me and god, whether that's the pope or a priest. Someone to confess sins to sure, but no intermediaries. In that manner I am a protestant; the sayings of the Pope in Rome hold no sway over me, only Christ's teachings and the Laws of the Ten commandments.

2020-07-23 06:06:04 UTC  

to explain that the sayings of the pope hold no sway over me, I mean that a person of the world, even if appointed by god, is still subject to corruption by the changings of his surroundings and by said surroundings. The pope could say that Gay Marriage and abortions are ok one day, even if it's a straight heresy no matter how you look at it. It doesn't hold any sway over me and how I deal with it; it's still sinful in my eyes.

2020-07-23 06:08:55 UTC  

he did say though that homosexual tendencies are not a sin. pretty sure I've heard somewhere that a man should not lay with another man as he would a woman

2020-07-23 06:13:50 UTC  

they're psychologists. When one has to dive into degeneracy, one can't get it all cleared off.