Message from @Ragnarok

Discord ID: 781353440911163402

2020-11-26 02:49:02 UTC  

If Nixon had never normalized relations with China I would think there could be a collapse a la Soviet Union

2020-11-26 02:49:17 UTC  

National People's Congress can make whatever laws they want in regards to HK, it's in their Basic Law.

2020-11-26 02:49:32 UTC  

However given that China has enough capitalist influences and has diversified beyond pretending to pay their workers I don't foresee a collapse in an imminent

2020-11-26 02:49:34 UTC  

Yeah it probably would have been the opposite. USSR would remain, and PRC would fall.

2020-11-26 02:50:01 UTC  

That was part of the motivation to warm up to China, because it was a deterrent against Russia after the Sino-Soviet Split

2020-11-26 02:50:29 UTC  

And now ironically, Russia and China are very tight

2020-11-26 02:51:02 UTC  

Well Putin knows what he's doing that's for sure

2020-11-26 02:51:27 UTC  

We sometimes forget here that not everyone can be just given free reign

2020-11-26 02:51:40 UTC  

I've seen them fuckers standing in line and then what happens when the door finally opens

2020-11-26 02:52:58 UTC  

Freedom is not for everyone

2020-11-26 02:53:08 UTC  

And there's also old grudges. The Red Guards, similar to Antifa but without gays and drugs, hurt a lot of people way back. 99% of them were teenagers too. So they're still alive. A lot of people have grudges about that and haven't forgotten.

2020-11-26 02:53:25 UTC  

Certain societies have serfdom so ingrained in the psyche of the average citizen

2020-11-26 02:53:49 UTC  

They were like those people who think owning two houses means you're literally killing people because it makes them homeless

2020-11-26 02:55:02 UTC  

Some people are too stupid to be left to their own devices

2020-11-26 02:58:00 UTC  

Xi's dad was arrested and tortured by Red Guards, despite having fought in the revolution. That's how extreme they were.

2020-11-26 02:58:22 UTC  

So the saying goes, if you legalize guns in China today, half the population will be dead tomorrow.

2020-11-26 02:58:54 UTC  

Are the Red guard the ones that did the whole purging that happened in the '70s

2020-11-26 02:58:59 UTC  


2020-11-26 02:59:24 UTC  

Always forget what that's called

2020-11-26 02:59:28 UTC  

And they got ballsy enough to actually attack the PLA. Only one of the two still exists today so you can see how that turned out.

2020-11-26 02:59:37 UTC  

Great Leap Forward/Cultural Revolution

2020-11-26 02:59:45 UTC  

More like great leap backward

2020-11-26 02:59:45 UTC  


2020-11-26 03:00:04 UTC  

It kind of feels like antifa wants to do the same thing

2020-11-26 03:00:10 UTC  


2020-11-26 03:00:56 UTC  

Mao came up with the Hundred Flowers Campaign, some poetic shit about basically letting people criticize the party because it would motivate self-improvement and all that shit. Yeah it was a trap. They went to jail, a lot got killed.

2020-11-26 03:02:04 UTC  

It was actually a crime back then to plead not-guilty in a court

2020-11-26 03:02:29 UTC  

When the only people with guns ask you to criticize them it might be a trap

2020-11-26 03:03:02 UTC  

Prime example was Lin Zhao, a communist revolutionary who took part in "land reform" after the revolution. What land reform means in communism is to kill anyone who owns it.

2020-11-26 03:03:45 UTC  

They believe it's inherently exploitative and since land is a "means of production" (food etc) it should be socialized

2020-11-26 03:03:59 UTC  

So yes people got killed for the horrible crime of owning a small house

2020-11-26 03:05:25 UTC  

And yet here we are today with people espousing the tenants thereof

2020-11-26 03:05:40 UTC  

She criticized the government's policies that caused the famines, and so she got 20 years in prison, and converted to Christianity. When she refused to recant her "crimes" she was sentenced to death. Her family's "death notification" was a bill for the bullet used to execute her.

2020-11-26 03:06:45 UTC  

I guess I'm a bad person but that's kind of funny

2020-11-26 03:07:37 UTC  

In a morbid way yeah.

2020-11-26 03:07:44 UTC  

I mean it's not haha funny

2020-11-26 03:07:53 UTC  

I know what you mean

2020-11-26 03:07:56 UTC  

More like trollolol

2020-11-26 03:08:15 UTC  

She was officially pardoned by Deng Xiaoping in 1981 when he took power and reversed most of Mao's shit

2020-11-26 03:08:23 UTC  

Not that it does her much good, she's dead

2020-11-26 03:11:09 UTC  

Out of tens of millions of people who died, damn near everyone has a relative who was either killed or arrested back then, if I were them I'd still be pissed, you don't just get over shit like that