Message from @Ragnarok

Discord ID: 781351810270625823

2020-11-26 02:41:17 UTC  

The Chinese dude said he and his family "escaped" when he was young

2020-11-26 02:41:32 UTC  

And that he wants to go to Singapore to escape the collapse

2020-11-26 02:41:40 UTC  

Some state-owned enterprises make good shit. Norinco for example makes great guns.

2020-11-26 02:41:49 UTC  

That and have his sex doll

2020-11-26 02:42:11 UTC  

But having government prop up these, it disadvantages wholly private companies

2020-11-26 02:46:10 UTC  

You won't see a collapse though, likely ever. The people *love* the military and law enforcement. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. You can't get a mostly-unarmed populace to declare war against their beloved armed forces.

2020-11-26 02:47:12 UTC  

One other thing I found weird was his insant support of HK

2020-11-26 02:47:33 UTC  

And how the CCP is just taking over HK to continue their evil reign and hold off the decline

2020-11-26 02:47:58 UTC  

It's like you're gonna go in a cave full of bears, unarmed, and make them move out.

2020-11-26 02:48:47 UTC  

The PLA already has a base in HK. Guess what flag flies over it. The PRC flag. It's theirs.

2020-11-26 02:49:02 UTC  

If Nixon had never normalized relations with China I would think there could be a collapse a la Soviet Union

2020-11-26 02:49:17 UTC  

National People's Congress can make whatever laws they want in regards to HK, it's in their Basic Law.

2020-11-26 02:49:32 UTC  

However given that China has enough capitalist influences and has diversified beyond pretending to pay their workers I don't foresee a collapse in an imminent

2020-11-26 02:49:34 UTC  

Yeah it probably would have been the opposite. USSR would remain, and PRC would fall.

2020-11-26 02:50:01 UTC  

That was part of the motivation to warm up to China, because it was a deterrent against Russia after the Sino-Soviet Split

2020-11-26 02:50:29 UTC  

And now ironically, Russia and China are very tight

2020-11-26 02:51:02 UTC  

Well Putin knows what he's doing that's for sure

2020-11-26 02:51:27 UTC  

We sometimes forget here that not everyone can be just given free reign

2020-11-26 02:51:40 UTC  

I've seen them fuckers standing in line and then what happens when the door finally opens

2020-11-26 02:52:58 UTC  

Freedom is not for everyone

2020-11-26 02:53:08 UTC  

And there's also old grudges. The Red Guards, similar to Antifa but without gays and drugs, hurt a lot of people way back. 99% of them were teenagers too. So they're still alive. A lot of people have grudges about that and haven't forgotten.

2020-11-26 02:53:25 UTC  

Certain societies have serfdom so ingrained in the psyche of the average citizen

2020-11-26 02:53:49 UTC  

They were like those people who think owning two houses means you're literally killing people because it makes them homeless

2020-11-26 02:55:02 UTC  

Some people are too stupid to be left to their own devices

2020-11-26 02:58:00 UTC  

Xi's dad was arrested and tortured by Red Guards, despite having fought in the revolution. That's how extreme they were.

2020-11-26 02:58:22 UTC  

So the saying goes, if you legalize guns in China today, half the population will be dead tomorrow.

2020-11-26 02:58:54 UTC  

Are the Red guard the ones that did the whole purging that happened in the '70s

2020-11-26 02:58:59 UTC  


2020-11-26 02:59:24 UTC  

Always forget what that's called

2020-11-26 02:59:28 UTC  

And they got ballsy enough to actually attack the PLA. Only one of the two still exists today so you can see how that turned out.

2020-11-26 02:59:37 UTC  

Great Leap Forward/Cultural Revolution

2020-11-26 02:59:45 UTC  

More like great leap backward

2020-11-26 02:59:45 UTC  


2020-11-26 03:00:04 UTC  

It kind of feels like antifa wants to do the same thing

2020-11-26 03:00:10 UTC  


2020-11-26 03:00:56 UTC  

Mao came up with the Hundred Flowers Campaign, some poetic shit about basically letting people criticize the party because it would motivate self-improvement and all that shit. Yeah it was a trap. They went to jail, a lot got killed.

2020-11-26 03:02:04 UTC  

It was actually a crime back then to plead not-guilty in a court

2020-11-26 03:02:29 UTC  

When the only people with guns ask you to criticize them it might be a trap

2020-11-26 03:03:02 UTC  

Prime example was Lin Zhao, a communist revolutionary who took part in "land reform" after the revolution. What land reform means in communism is to kill anyone who owns it.

2020-11-26 03:03:45 UTC  

They believe it's inherently exploitative and since land is a "means of production" (food etc) it should be socialized

2020-11-26 03:03:59 UTC  

So yes people got killed for the horrible crime of owning a small house