Message from @Fortimus
Discord ID: 789018347764842547
The most basic of steps...smh
Almost makes me a bit embarrassed that we're 'losing' to these bunch of haphazard miscreants
If what we just read above is true, the tide is changing in our favor
What is Solarwinds tho?
Idk about it
They just got raided by the feds
we aren't losing they just talk a big game
Oh I see
we aren't exactly hardcore winning either, we're up by a field goal imo
that's insane if true, which is so far appears to be
President Trump should declare emergency or some shit like that, screw all.
They call him Dictator anyway
trump declared emergency in 2018 and has been in effect since
So what does that mean?
Can he scrap this election result?
the president has stupidly amazing powers, after 2001 congress gave him everything, either he isn't using them for some reason or he is and we just don't know about it
I see
Thanks for this information dearest brother
I don't know if he can politically "scrap" an election
the president isn't a dictator primarily because we would not accept that culturally
I mean (((we))) would accept that lol
culturally we are a republic with equal branches although legally this isn't the case, the executive has been the most powerful branch since at least WW1, arguably since the civil war
I've sensed that the cultural tide has been turning though, many people want an executive that is as powerful as a king
and we are a stone's throw away from that kind of govt
its a dangerous kind of govt, one that I don't think is necessary to have for more than a short time, like 6 months tops
It's a damn shame humans tend to be shitty
I feel like we're gonna have big news tomorrow
idk what it is
but I certainly feel somethings up
Let's hope and pray for it
If that were true, why would a lawyer be bragging about it online? Just puts more targets on her back.
Very true
That's why it's in quotes
Well if she dies then it's kinda obvious that the Dems ordered a hit. Not like it'll matter
I am not a black piller by any means but even assuming this is completely true of Freeman is there anything that really changes? Can't all the officials just keep denying? Can't the courts keep dodging? I don't even think they have to kill her, just discredit her.
Say that the trump team paid her to make claims etc
anyways I'm hopeful as ever
if that's what it takes to end this and it works I'm on board