Message from @Ehzek

Discord ID: 792636073426681896

2020-12-27 05:58:39 UTC  

I'll 1 v 1 any day

2020-12-27 05:58:41 UTC  

Games like cod and sports games that are recycled every year are for idiots and kids

2020-12-27 05:59:10 UTC  

You don't like anything fun do you

2020-12-27 05:59:49 UTC  

I enjoy few things.

2020-12-27 06:00:25 UTC  

Dick doesn't count

2020-12-27 06:00:34 UTC  


2020-12-27 06:00:40 UTC  

We're talking about me not you

2020-12-27 06:00:53 UTC  


2020-12-27 06:01:03 UTC  

Mouse a piece of constructive criticism for you tho. You claim you wont play Mw because of the BLM crap in it, but this game promotes non binary genders in the campaign and warns you against using hate speech

2020-12-27 06:01:32 UTC  

lol fuck

2020-12-27 06:02:03 UTC  

A bit of a contradiction dont you think?

2020-12-27 06:04:16 UTC  

I quit because the msgs spammed between every match

2020-12-27 06:04:30 UTC  

They dont do that anymore

2020-12-27 06:04:37 UTC  

I only got it once tbh

2020-12-27 06:05:01 UTC  

I got it every match for 3 days. I quit after that

2020-12-27 06:05:15 UTC  

I only bought this game after it was out for a month

2020-12-27 06:06:10 UTC  

Now all I really do is hc search

2020-12-27 06:06:10 UTC  

I think for realism and better graphics MW is the way to go. For a more arcade experience Black Ops is king

2020-12-27 06:07:25 UTC  

And both if you're a low IQ easily entertained moron.

2020-12-27 06:09:25 UTC  

Indeed I am. I mean look at the spirit of the fire drake in this campfire.

2020-12-27 06:12:46 UTC  

Needs more overwatch

2020-12-27 06:17:18 UTC  

Found some beans in my refrigerator I made a week or so ago. They're still good

2020-12-27 06:17:26 UTC  

I guess using hot pepper helps preserve them

2020-12-27 06:17:58 UTC  

This ni🅱️🅱️a eating 🅱️eans

2020-12-27 06:18:23 UTC  

No, that would be the low temperature.

2020-12-27 06:18:52 UTC  

What? I heated them

2020-12-27 06:18:59 UTC

2020-12-27 06:19:03 UTC  

Another search game

2020-12-27 06:19:40 UTC  

You're a foreigner aren't you.

2020-12-27 06:19:56 UTC  

No, I was born in the US

2020-12-27 06:20:54 UTC  

nvm you mean the low temperature of the refrigerator, I guess

2020-12-27 06:21:09 UTC  

Welp, I have other refrigerated stuff that's gone bad

2020-12-27 06:21:12 UTC  

right, what else would I mean

2020-12-27 06:22:14 UTC  

I thought you meant whether they're eaten hot or cold

2020-12-27 06:22:55 UTC  

And thats why I asked if you where a foreigner.

2020-12-27 06:23:01 UTC  

I see

2020-12-27 06:23:04 UTC  

English is my first language

2020-12-27 06:24:06 UTC  

Yeah and the sky is blue.

2020-12-27 06:24:31 UTC  

I think Rachel Dolezal did a Cameo on this

2020-12-27 06:24:56 UTC  

Doesn't mean you don't have a tenuous grasp on the language.

2020-12-27 06:25:15 UTC  

I think I just misunderstood what you said