Message from @Tom - GET Official
Discord ID: 774167024816357376
Alex Jones 2024!
I should be asleep as I have to go into the office at 8am. And I can't sleep because my stomach has been in fucking knots since Wednesday morning
Yes I haven’t slept properly in days
Bro what I have no trends
NOTHING is trending lmfao
America's sleeping
nobody's doing anything
Dan has been stumping hard
National File is the only news website that I can 100% trust anymore
(((They))) are shutting it down
Imagine being born and having a name like bongino
Living meme: Activated
Yes Tom. You have started a great source. Don't stop. The best way of getting revenge is literally success
i wouldn't say it if it wasn't the truth, i'll be honestly prior to joining get and seeing the god emperor in action for my own eyes i didn't care much for politics, i was neither left right nor center, and more or less swore off all political involvement, you and trump both made me see that fighting for what needs to be fought for is important
The thing I find amazing is its obvious we are doing something right especially @Tom - GET Official or else we wouldn't be purged
The machine is afraid
We're all over the target because we just shouldn't exist
Goddamn right @dichuz91/Mulitin Dunar were glad to have you aboard.
Remember 2015 Facebook? There were no conservative memes
We need to red pill the younger generation. The MSM and education establishment is cucking any potential future.
the best part part of me joining get way back when is that it was actually facebooks recommended groups algorithm that brough me to you guys 😄
We wont go quiet into the night
This is our future were all trying to make sure goes well. And a POTUS plays such a huge factor in EVERYONES chance at success
The REALLY early days lmao
Yeah dude. It happened over night
And they didn't know what to do
Trump needs to make his own social media website
Yeah, I didn't even think I was allowed to use the Conservative mem, I was such a fucking normie it was unbareable
I wish Twitter would ban Trump
It would be epic
Then all of sudden the world of right wing memes gave Mr the breath of fresh air I needed
How would he being banned be epic?
> We wont go quiet into the night
@C4X3 as true americans we shall never go gentle into that good night.
A spark
Dude. Can you *imagine* the resulting shit storm? It would be terrible for them.
I’m looking forward to the meltdown when the court aids us to victory, insert new keggeratbrett.jpg meme here