Message from @🅱øg Wizard
Discord ID: 774410403903438918
And I pray to God it stays that way
Around the first few weeks of school there quite a lot because the BLM movement was still going super strong but after that died down pretty much all the liberal activism died on campus
BLM lost all credibility with the rioting and looting
I'm so blackpilled
Then leave
We don't need cucks in here
This is the separation of men and boys
Which is on you to decide
I am looking for hope and I decide to SEND HIM MY ENERGY
The glory disappears, to say I am surprised is a lie. I knew the establishment wouldnt make the same mistakes they made in 2016 and Trump’s lawyers and neo con advisors would lead him to the grave of failed political careers. History and legend will only tell of how We The People failed to take back our nation from a bunch of inbred psychopaths and Chinese agents. You see America has had it good for too long and we as a nation have no memories of struggle like the Russian Peasants did or my Polish ancestors did. If Trump some how pulls this off it is nothing short of a miracle.
Well said @🅱øg Wizard
USA can fall just like Rome did
All it takes is enough corruption to lead to an oligarchy
Which is exactly what Caesar did. Fuck it up and turn the roman republic into an oligarchy
Years ago I sat at my grandfather’s grave and asked will I ever see the return of a real American president and the death of the new world order?
Right now I truly believe we're dealing with mob rule. Enough idiots and retards to fuck things up and eventually elect someone who is going to lead us to a path of oligarchy riddled with socialism
Hold the line boys. We don’t have a definitive answer yet! We must regroup and keep up the fight no matter what happens.
Then Trump came and I felt something special was happening, but now watching our Titan being taken down by a group of scum not only infuriates me but I feel great sorrow for this country
I completely agree
I won’t take the black pill. Fuck that.
Trump truly is remarkable
Nobodies taking the black pill
You black poll you accept chicom overlords no fucking chance
This is glorious
We need to him start declassifying everything on these bastards
We're hopeful. Just preparing for what ifs and not sticking our heads in the sand
It would be glorious if he is losing and he just dumps the Fucken lot
That would make me hard
He should, Mutually assured destruction
Even if Trump loses I don't feel the USA would ever fall, Biden doesn't seem that level of destructive just disappointing that he wont truly do anything with the American people in mind
We'll just have to fight hard for 2024