Message from @C4X3
Discord ID: 774478953985343488
Are LA riots the worst ones the US has seen in modern history?
They’d have to be close. Not sure about the ones around Vietnam war time, they would’ve been bad too.
They were fairly peaceful tho
They will look like child’s play when GEOTUS wins
If you’re white you’ll be a target
@Tom - GET Official They know they are about to be caught, don't they?
power of prayer boys keep it up!
I like how the top gif suggestions on discord are trump losing and Biden winning
No joke
How come the live stream is still live of Biden’s speech?
We caught 'em again boys.
let them destroy their own cities
let them oust themselves are the violent degenerates they are
And when they come to our cities we will cut them down without hesitations nor guilt.
So who’s ready for trump to pull a Grover Cleveland and run in 24
You’re right it’s not an army
It’s a militia
1776: The Revolutionaries didn't want to fight, yet when push comes to shove guess what they did
Hey bro
you'd be surprised what people will do when the threat isn't some liberal city and in fact, their homes and families
We fought the Brits in the revolution WITH the French on our side
Damnnn joe is doing his speech : (
I only listened to a bit because I’m out getting food rn and I don’t like listening to stuff in public
He's just making a bunch of false statements
But he’s saying something about winning Georgia and the ballots taking a while
Oh and he said American people are choosing “change” over “more of the same”
Joe Biden legit is more of the same
All professional politicians sound the same
I think most of the left are people just voting left because their raised like that