
Discord ID: 477649252022091804

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I got a 30 day ban once the day after Charlottesville for something I posted months prior. I'm no conspiracy theorist but it happened again after Parkland. The timing of the bans I get seem to be coordinated with major events. I don't believe this is a mistake as I have been able to beat the Facebook algorithm and counter certain narratives with percision.

Coincidence or not it is ex post facto

Ban me right after Charlottesville for something I said months ago? I'd be curious of it happens again

These are not small bans either both were 30 day

On my main account

My shit posting account is usually banned 8 months of the year

My last FB 30 day ban was for calling the Taliban "goat fuckers" in a comment in a private group

Winner winner chicken dinner

It might not even be FB but groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center

And Correct the Record

They spend millions to have their foot soilders go out and try and counter us online

I honestly think that's exactly what's going on

In addition to shaddow banning

However now they are trying to take out the major figure heads going into mid terms

Which is why CNN is literally engaged in racketeering against InfoWars

Just yesterday Microsoft threatened to take off their server over a supposed anti semetic comment, even though Anti-Semetic stuff gets posted on Facebook and Twitter all the time

But fuck apple ang Google ... What is left? Linux?

Amazon is owned by Bezoes who is the worst of the worsr

He owns the Washington Post which is one big hit peice 24/7 against potus

I'm actually a developer I thought about building a new platform but I see. What happened to Gab

They can't get an app into the play store of iTunes because they are always denied for their Conte t

Well the thing is everyone who tries to start something is all about "it's for everyone" ... I say fuck that for now make it all one big eco Chamber ban liberals off it, make the content fun and free spjrtied

I have a different view on the philosophy behind social networking I suppose, in this current moment in time companies are taking stances, and banning dissident voices. It's not a time for holding hand and let everyone get along because people are not getting along. If their going to be in complete control of their mother ship, we just need to build an even bigger mothership and. E in complete control, free from the political controls big tech as effectivly monopolized.

If I have AntiFa on my platform and they're going to use it to report and troll my users, I'd censor the fuck out of them

So on Twitter if you post something the left doesn't like, there are virtual mobs out there that will mass flag stuff

That or they will troll

Their entire aim is to silence in single out, that's what I would hope to prevent

The other problem are the algorithms

That's the way Twitter used to be

Before shaddow banning

None of them are, I'm just there for the gang bang

Facebook really has just turned into various different groups

See here is the other thing and probably most important. These platforms are only as big as they are because their known. There are already plenty of alternatives they are just not being utilized because people are still caught up on the same thing they have been using and are used to. It's all artificial, it's a prison we put our selves in.

A good case study is AOL instant messenger

I will sign a NDA if you want someone to help. Like I said I'm a developer myself. I am currently working Ecomm for a very large company but have been doing this for the last 11 years in various capacities.

In anyway you see fit, I don't know what you're programing it in. I've been more of a front end guy but I know PHP, C#, MySQL, JS, CSS, HTML in addition to running web ops on LAMP

Email me [email protected] if you need me to sign a non complete I will, I will do this completely pro-bono as it's a service to the country and the future of the republic as far as I'm concerned.

Although future considerations for employment and / or stock if it takes off is welcomes :)

I'm pretty happy where I'm at doing what I'm doing though. I'm just saying I help you out and this thing becomes Facebook 2.0 I want in!

More than fair, but first let me make sure I can deliver what you need with the skill set I have

Yes the the email I provided above

You can also look me up on linked in with that if you want more of my background

I don't give a f. Let them attack soon we will not be playing by their rules anymore

Us tech guys need to step up and deliver, the autist need to meme and people like @Tom - GET Official need to creat robust alternative media platforms

<@477646007358717964> the other thing that you guys should look at IMO is block chain technology. A big problem people that are getting deplatformed are running into is they are getting demonetized and kicked off systems like PayPal

Yeah don't be like Facebook

Block chain is how you tap into the digital currently world

It just hasn't been deployed in a way people can understand and utilize to this point in my opinion

I know Torba is trying to take Gab in that direction

However I see many flaws in Gab

I think it's worth looking into but first focus on an MVP

Minimal viable product

Even after Biden wins, Vice will be trying to figure out how Bernie can still win.

But Biden won't win

Need to Meme the point home that they added millions of fraudulent votes after the election should have been called.

This entire thing was engineered by Clinton and Pedodesta

We need the deplorable coalition for 2024.

Grenell should run in 2024

At least we win the gay vote

Because we love our gays, don't we folks?


That's ok

It's about changing narratives

We wuz gay n shit

Start memeing about the truth and reconciliation council so they have to fact check it.

We need a meme factory

We could be insurgents and astro turf like they do

Make them have a bunch of crazy positions, even crazier than now

Where are my poor boys? we love our poor boys don't we folks?

Why you think we are here

All weekend is dedicated to shit posting

Zuckerbitch can't ban censor us. I can say what ever want


@Tom - GET Official why is Patrick being so quiet? Have no heard from him except on frog man show.

I enjoy his insight

He seemed super confident Trump was going to pull it off


Is their any validity to the Water Mark sting operation rumor?

Fry, what part? I am in Greensboro

It is lefty central here since I live on a yuppie college campus area

No one in my area is from NC, just transplants and young professionals. Like myself, but I am based and red pilled unlike them.

Lol nice

I'm on the southside of downtown

I know where thats at - I can share without having to disavow

No Coretex just threatened to put us in the truth and reconciliation concentration camps

It's the animated contest of liberty!

We caught 'em again boys.

He's just making a bunch of false statements

What people don't understand is counting the ballots is the first thing, they all still need to be certified.

Joe couldn't get more than 10 people to a rally.

That's how I know it's fake.

These people can't do anything without scaming people.

This is like the 4th time they attempted a coup to oust Trump. I think this one will fail too once it get's into courts where Soros didn't pick the judge.

tHiS wIlL sUrLeY sToP DrUmPh

He is like the Sam Hyde of politics. He keeps getting away with it.

That's why Trump's people are sueing, they won't let people watch the counting.

That gives me an idea for a meme

crying lib meme counting votes and throwing them in the trash

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