Message from @TheMousez
Discord ID: 774540358755418132
Hello my fellow deplorables
2-3 minutes will go by before someone gives him a mic
Greetings fampai
See look at that SM7B
You can probably not even hear it being knocked around
XLR master race
Granted you need an interface to use XLR mics but it's worth it
Yeah people who get USB mics are not exactly knowledgeable
They just get them because of easy setup
They make these fancy mixers now that plug in via USB
I've had 3, my dumb friend broke 1
National File is the top 3 articles on Revolver News
Big pp energy
Wish I could help more. But I'm in the republican stronghold of TN. They called my state 10 minutes after polls closed.
Red or blue
Red. I'm in the sticks
I am but a leaf
Ah another fellow Tennessean
*whitechapel plays loudly*
Middle tn, exact location not revealed
East TN here. Exact place is classified
I feel bad for Tennessee, they turned Nashville into a mini LA complete with the satanism
Nashville is just ridiculous
Yo, Nashville is about to riot on the Mayor
Tell me it's gonna sound like that link @TheMousez
They upped taxes 36% during covid lockdowns
That should be the boog theme
I have several friends that live in the surrounding areas and they've told me about it