Message from @dichuz91/Mulitin Dunar
Discord ID: 775887697448796160
@TheMousez i need you pfp
Let me know what happens I have to conserve data
1 sec. I'll find the full version
time topiss off some weeaboo biden supporters
Honestly guys, how much of a chance does trump have. I’m losing hope
pretty good at this point, michigan flipped he's set to win NC, biden lost the call on AZ and PA
@dichuz91/Mulitin Dunar give me a sec
I’m still seeing Michigan as red with Biden up 55,000 votes
Blue not red
I've got weeb trump shit for days
there is wisconsin
This news is old
News over 3 hours old is outdated with all that is happening.
protected by rule 7
So I come back from doing my studies and first thing I see is weeb stuff
@Bismarckreich I like weeb shit.
Wife & I are watching s3 of MHA at the moment
"Nearly 80%" as 71 million people voted trump....
they prob asked gen Z too
80% of 1300 people polled lol
anyone want to play some battlefield 1 with me
Is that the one with the disabled lesbian fighting in WWI?