Message from @lord__adorable
Discord ID: 775886062115225600
Andrew Cum Homo would get murked
Andrew **COOMER**
Doesn’t that faggot have his nipples pierced?
The girl who uncovered #MaidenGate has already been censored by Twitter
Hey look, some shitbag trying to fuck my wife... Good luck, bitches. We have a conservative family, no degenerate whoredome for you to partake in lmfao. Go find some jigabitch to harass
When all of these go down, all of these tech companies and media need to go down to.
my lap hog is surging right now!
@lord__adorable that's actually pretty generous of a description.
@TheMousez Your welcome.
Donald finna yeet them
I'll have to go against my fox ban
I want to watch this
@TheMousez i need you pfp
Let me know what happens I have to conserve data
1 sec. I'll find the full version
time topiss off some weeaboo biden supporters
Honestly guys, how much of a chance does trump have. I’m losing hope
pretty good at this point, michigan flipped he's set to win NC, biden lost the call on AZ and PA
@dichuz91/Mulitin Dunar give me a sec
I’m still seeing Michigan as red with Biden up 55,000 votes
Blue not red
I've got weeb trump shit for days