Message from @Panzer of the Lake
Discord ID: 776281855473090580
I guess I’m back?
I'll be in DC
Gonna be epic and based
Welcome everyone
We're making some upgrades so this place runs better
@Panzer of the Lake that's the most obvious made up pol trash I've seen in awhile. Hilarious read though
> Who's this furry
@Orwellianreptilian i am me, yes i am a furry, no i'm not into yiffing, and i'm a hardcore trump supporter and of 2A
Yiff in hell
I know a few based furries. Weirdest people I know.
yeah, we're a interesting bunch to be sure
honestly i can't stand like 90% of the furry community, to many mentally ill liberal cucks who like fucking each other in full on fur suits....not for me
I guess I'm verified, that thread went away
still no idea what the uck happened
Working on making this a more functional place
also @Tom - GET Official i volunteer myself as tribute to be a moderator if you ever need more help 😄
For fucks sake
Instead of just shit posts & garbage
> @Panzer of the Lake that's the most obvious made up pol trash I've seen in awhile. Hilarious read though
@TheMousez I'll... Agree I'm new to 4chan I can't quite tell what's fake and not yet.
> Instead of just shit posts & garbage
@TheMousez i mean is this not what we spent the last 4 years doing?
well maybe not the garbage, but shitposting for sure
@dichuz91/Mulitin Dunar yes, but with fb banning & censorship. Plus everything else, we need a stable, secure gathering point
Discord seems to only ban Nazis and people who plan mass shootings which I explicitly forbid
shit maybe I should make that a rule
An admin sent me that in fb
@Tom - GET Official probably lol
Not sure what it was
Yeah man Facebook is fucked lol
We're still getting posts removed in GETO
And fb won't tell the admin
It's been gone for over a week lmfao
And I'm verified.
Sup yall
Facebook and big tech is the enemy. Just like the bell tephond company was back in the day.
> @dichuz91/Mulitin Dunar yes, but with fb banning & censorship. Plus everything else, we need a stable, secure gathering point
@TheMousez fair point