Message from @Tom - GET Official
Discord ID: 776279937593770005
Has the media ever used the term "president-elect" this often?
like with any other president
its starting to really annoy me
@a bot#1996 no, they haven't. Especially before the actual ballots have been certified
I am not lol
And no this is an absurd level of manipulation and propaganda
They really do be trying to steal this election
Guys tf is this shit.
@Bismarckreich#2356 bismarckreich is a nice hoi4 mod
My friend from a based channel in in linked this.
What up riggers
Nm just chillen.
Who’s going to fucking DC???
I guess I’m back?
I'll be in DC
Gonna be epic and based
Welcome everyone
@Panzer of the Lake that's the most obvious made up pol trash I've seen in awhile. Hilarious read though
> Who's this furry
@Orwellianreptilian i am me, yes i am a furry, no i'm not into yiffing, and i'm a hardcore trump supporter and of 2A
Yiff in hell
I know a few based furries. Weirdest people I know.
yeah, we're a interesting bunch to be sure
honestly i can't stand like 90% of the furry community, to many mentally ill liberal cucks who like fucking each other in full on fur suits....not for me
I guess I'm verified, that thread went away
still no idea what the uck happened
Working on making this a more functional place
also @Tom - GET Official i volunteer myself as tribute to be a moderator if you ever need more help 😄
For fucks sake
Instead of just shit posts & garbage
> @Panzer of the Lake that's the most obvious made up pol trash I've seen in awhile. Hilarious read though
@TheMousez I'll... Agree I'm new to 4chan I can't quite tell what's fake and not yet.
> Instead of just shit posts & garbage
@TheMousez i mean is this not what we spent the last 4 years doing?
well maybe not the garbage, but shitposting for sure
@dichuz91/Mulitin Dunar yes, but with fb banning & censorship. Plus everything else, we need a stable, secure gathering point